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  1. C

    Wi-Fi Trades OshawottFan and LillipupFTW Trade Thread NEW MISSION

    RE: OshawottFan and LillipupFTW's Trade Thread NOW WITH CONTEST GIVE AWAY AND POKECUSTOM what do you want for the dexoxys eney lv
  2. C

    BW/BW2 Chillychina2's Trading THread Com Take a Look dont be shy!

    RE: Chillychina2's Trading THread Com Take a Look don't be shy! come to my thread[hr] come on down to my thread if you want to trade [hr] come if you want to trade trade trade trade!!!
  3. C

    BW/BW2 Chillychina2's Trading THread Com Take a Look dont be shy!

    RE: Chillychina2's Trading THread Com Take a Look don't be shy! KK MAYBE LEV 65[hr] how am i doing
  4. C

    BW/BW2 Chillychina2's Trading THread Com Take a Look dont be shy!

    RE: Chillychina2's Trading THread Com Take a Look don't be shy! come if you want to trade [hr] bumps
  5. C

    BW/BW2 Chillychina2's Trading THread Com Take a Look dont be shy!

    RE: Chillychina2's Trading THread Com Take a Look don't be shy! bump bump[hr] come plz [hr] come to my thread now its great
  6. C

    BW/BW2 Chillychina2's Trading THread Com Take a Look dont be shy!

    CHILLYCHINA IS MY BRO friend code 3310 3913 1413 Haves: cobalion 44 rayquaza 55 kyurem 76 samurrott 64 reshiram 54 wants: hydreigon 60+ emboar 50+ bisharp 55+ dexoxy