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  1. StealthAngel667

    Afraid of Beartic? No worries, mate.

    Kind of the same effect that Pidgeot CoL had, but worse retreat cost and more energy cost. I hope I don't need to remind you that Pidgeot. SUCKS. TERRIBLY. And this card is even worse. It's also on the front page. People will trade for this card and be disappointed. (Gliscor, time to get your...
  2. StealthAngel667

    Gothitelle techs

    Teddiursa is pretty icky, just a worse Gastly imo. Unlike a real lock deck, your opponent WILL play some trainers during the matchup sooner or later. You can't keep casting spare Gothitelles if they're also your main attacker. We need Dodrio + a strong guy that switches himself and does some...
  3. StealthAngel667

    (2) ALL 'Emerging Powers' Scans, Scrafty Distribution at Worlds [8/14]

    ^M:tG logic doesn't really apply to Pokemon, since Pokemon only has 1 working strategy right now (beatdown/aggro). I dislike this set a lot, I think I dislike it even more than clear filler sets like CoL. Why? A summary: -a trainer AND a supporter that are clearly superior to another trainer...
  4. StealthAngel667

    Movie Box Office

    RE: Movie Discussion Thread II So he made a movie about his dream, making a movie. I call Inception. By the way, Inception is pretty good. Go watch it. (just try to look past the voice acting, it's really, really bad)
  5. StealthAngel667

    2011 World Championship T16 Decks

    Oh look, the Dutch Nationals winner made it in there (David Meulenbroeks). That's pretty unexpected. Also this top is looking very solid for Mega/Zone.
  6. StealthAngel667

    Getting jaded with the metagame...or a lack of it

    Trust me, the competitive format is pretty terrible right now. Turn 2 Donkphan/Yanmega shenanigans are not fun to play against. At all. I'd love to face some Blastzel rather than that, any day. I usually don't really play for fun all that much (I have little time to go to leagues and whatnot)...
  7. StealthAngel667

    Energy Depletion (Krookodile EP and Machamp Prime)

    RE: Masters: Energy Depletion (Excadrill and Krookodile EP) At least include a Yanmega Prime plan if you want this to be taken seriously. Autolosing to the tier 1 deck does not seem smart. (Ruins of Alph is not a plan btw, Yanmega still outspeeds you ridiculously and you have no good ways to...
  8. StealthAngel667

    BW3 English Set Name Revealed?!

    After Triumphant and Supreme Victors just around the corner, we really needed another set name with that theme, huh?
  9. StealthAngel667

    Future Pokemon Ex's

    I find it stupid how they even applied the color color colorless rule to Thunderus and his offspring. It makes them strictly worse than some other cards. Anyway, I think it's not the end of the world. A Legend with just one attack (for 1 or 2 energy) seems like a fine refresher though. Doesn't...
  10. StealthAngel667

    Slugma/ Shaymin/ Reshiram

    ^Because donking is fun. Especially for the other player. Please,
  11. StealthAngel667

    Shaymin UL

    Well, let's see what kind of Powers/abilities get printed a lot usually: -Energy acceleration (Typhlosion, Blaziken PK, Feraligatr, Emboar, etc.) -"revenge damage" or "revenge effects" (Nidoking RR, something in the next set, I believe Krookodile?) (although these usually suck) -damage...
  12. StealthAngel667

    Do you play Magic the gathering?

    Hey, you're right. Banning Mental Misstep seems stupid, encouraging turn 1 rush strategies. (that we hate so much in Pokémon... ;)) Most of those don't really work in Modern, but still. Someone will find a way... They also banned the artifact lands apparently. Scared of Affinity in Modern...
  13. StealthAngel667

    MEWTWO EX?!?!

    Neither can any of the other tanks. Unless you consider Badboar a card... So that kinda makes it less of an issue. Now let's look at the pros here: -it doesn't get KOed by the big guys either, not even with 4 Pluspowers -it has a turn 1 plan that doesn't suck, hitting 40-60, so it's not a...
  14. StealthAngel667

    Best Donphan variant?

    Yanmega/Donphan is probably the fastest and most reliable donk deck. Donphan + Dragons is just random and stupid imo. If you start with a lone dragon, you're kinda messed up. You don't want to be messed up in a donk deck. Donphan/Machamp is also interesting because it has a late game plan. Imo...
  15. StealthAngel667

    (1) 'Emerging Powers' to Feature a New Reverse Holofoil Style [8/13]

    Oh my lord, I'm actually loving this new holofoil. The current one felt a little cheap to me, not to mention blinding (so a tad annoying to judge). These seem to be a bit less blinding and they actually look cool. Oh and Audino-Victiny is the new donk deck for newbs. Also, bit sadface about the...
  16. StealthAngel667

    BW Theme decks released early in some walmarts

    I don't see what kind of decks would play Cheren. There's so much card refresh now that card draw is not really viable...except maybe in Fire decks where you don't want refresh, but those have Engineer's Adjustments which is pretty superior to Cheren.
  17. StealthAngel667

    Pokemon Names in the Pokemon games

    RE: Names Conkeldurr. Just look at the damn thing. It's a derpface in its purest form. /thread
  18. StealthAngel667

    Slugma/ Shaymin/ Reshiram

    Eh, I don't like how you're so depending on the Shaymin drop. You literally can't do much without it, even if you get some good Active Volcano action. Basically you need a turn 1 Collector, or you're gonna be too slow vs. the other Zekrom, Reshiram and Donphan insanity decks..
  19. StealthAngel667

    The New Dark

    We should make a branch model for the probability newbs, but yeah, Scizorliscious got it down, it's 43%. (And your 46/54 practice is pretty much just as close to 43% as to 50%, so I don't really see how this proves anything =P) Also, playing flippy cards is usually pretty stupid, but flipping...
  20. StealthAngel667

    Is Google Plus actually going to become the next major Social Networking site?

    I fail to see why people care about social networks, but okay. I like Google as a company better than I like Facebook. They gave me an excellent browser and a better mail client than I've ever had. So I wouldn't mind Google getting big on this, it's just that I won't join.