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  1. K

    BW/BW2 New World Trading

    Make me an offer. Also, I'd have to take the time to breed it, so IDK. Luckily I have Magmar to speed up the process... Flame Body FTW xD Edit: It's here, I forget the nature, but it's been bred.
  2. K

    BW/BW2 New World Trading

    None are shiny at all, I'm not that lucky.
  3. K

    BW/BW2 New World Trading

    Yeah, I'm cool for that. I'll set up the pokemon now.
  4. K

    BW/BW2 New World Trading

    Updated first post with any legit pokémon I know I have. Will look through my boxes for more. Edit: Got them all
  5. K

    BW/BW2 New World Trading

    Now, if you want.
  6. K

    BW/BW2 PokéBeach Master Friend Code List - Add your Black & White FC's today!

    In-Game Name : Syver Pokemon Game : White Friend Code : 4212-3379-4622
  7. K

    BW/BW2 New World Trading

    I'll PM you when I can trade, but maybe not today. But whenever we can, I'll take the Mew if it's ok.
  8. K

    BW/BW2 New World Trading

    At the 2 above: I have those if you do not mind them pokesav'd. I have White, and my Tornadus is from Pokesav. At Lillipup: Give me a bit to get the pokemon on my DS and we'll be good to trade then.
  9. K

    BW/BW2 New World Trading

    Sorry for the double-post. Lillipup, spread for both requested?
  10. K

    BW/BW2 New World Trading

    For that I'll take the Heracross. It'll have to be sometime later though. Tomorrow.
  11. K

    BW/BW2 New World Trading

    AS I said, I'm not sure when I can get access to the DS. Plus, any other specifications other than it being shiny? Any attacks you want? EVs? IVs? Anything?
  12. K

    Writing Untitled Project

  13. K

    BW/BW2 New World Trading

    -EV Trained Level 55 Starmie (NN: DeathStar)
  14. K

    BW/BW2 New World Trading

    Again, I may or may not have access to my DS, so I'll let you guys know when I can. Wait for a PM. But as for the trades themselves: Lillipup: I'll take non-shiny the Empoleon, please for a Scrafty. Pokemon: Shiny Starmie ok? If so, spread?
  15. K

    BW/BW2 New World Trading

    I do not. I am not lucky enough for shinies and I missed all the events. Edit: Actually, I have an UT Victini. Nothing special and I'll have to check on the nature, but it's what I have.
  16. K

    BW/BW2 New World Trading

    Since I pokesav, I do, yes, in esscense. Anything specific? Also, only one pokémon per trade, since I don't feel right taking any kind of 2 for ones or giving them if I don't do it legit. As I said above, I will if you request it.
  17. K

    BW/BW2 New World Trading

    Alright. I'll let you know via PM when I can trade, because I'm not the only one in my house and may not have access to the DS until later.
  18. K

    BW/BW2 New World Trading

    1. Legit? No. 2. Do you have the pokemon on your list in your Gen V game?
  19. K

    BW/BW2 New World Trading

    As stated above, I pokésav. I will not obligate you to take those, however. And by anything, I mean I will scour the Unova region for anything you choose, if I can get it. Do note it will most likely be in a Master Ball. Just take note that my game is White and anything I can't get will not be...
  20. K

    BW/BW2 New World Trading

    I will trade anything, within reason. I use pokésav for convenience only, not hacking, but will legit obtain anything I can for you. I use Pokémon White, and to my knowledge Pokésav will only work with new pokémon. I will be up for any kind of trade, and could use any previous gen pokémon I can...