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  1. M

    luxchomp - luxray gl / garchomp c

    hi, ok, thanks, i'll try those out and see how it works, i think other luxchomp and gyarados and possibly gengar decks will be the top 3 i'll have to face, not so much with machamp
  2. M

    luxchomp - luxray gl / garchomp c

    RE: luxchomp for regionals this weekend o.0 hey, so the changes i've done wuz take out a bebe's search and the roserade and 1 crobat, i've added in a weavile sp, to help against the gengar decks, and added in 2 warp energies for dialga, should i take something out for a vs. seeker so i can use...
  3. M

    luxchomp - luxray gl / garchomp c

    RE: luxchomp for regionals this weekend o.0 hey, ok thanks for the tips, i'll play test it with those changes, ya i originally had 2 warp energies, but in my area i never had to use them much cuz i never really had to use dialga, i could also poketurn diagla, but then that would also coast me...
  4. M

    luxchomp - luxray gl / garchomp c

    hey, so i have a luxchomp that i'm most likely gonna be using for this weekends regionals, but i feel like it could use a bit more editing, it's been doing pretty well so far, but would be nice to get a critique, so let me know wut u think and if there should be any editing, thanks 2 Luxray...