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  1. Dr. Mason

    BR Report, now with LIST

    I'm a long time player of the TCG, but my experience when I was younger was rather limited, as my parents didn't really like to support the hobby growing up. I've managed to attend a fair amount of large tournaments before now, however, and done fairly well, finding my way into top cuts on...
  2. Dr. Mason

    Black Heroes/White Heroes Cobalion EX added!

    It's time to take a 'Peek' at Black Heroes! It's been slow going finding other artists...having to do a lot myself in the meantime. I'm afraid I'm not very good, but I'm trying!
  3. Dr. Mason

    (1) 32 New 'Psycho Drive’ Scans and Translations! [9/13]

    RE: (1) 20 ‘Psycho Drive’ Scans and Translations! [9/13] >My favorite colors are Purple and Green I WANT TO SAY SOMETHING, I REALLY DO
  4. Dr. Mason

    Kyogre EX?

    I found it real? Can anyone translate what it says?[hr] And here's a full art Mewtwo EX as well...
  5. Dr. Mason

    Black Heroes/White Heroes Cobalion EX added!

    RE: Black Heroes/White Heroes (3 new cards!) Well, here's an EX!
  6. Dr. Mason

    Black Heroes/White Heroes Cobalion EX added!

    RE: Black Heroes/White Heroes (3 new cards!) Drew this one myself. Fun night!
  7. Dr. Mason

    Black Heroes/White Heroes Cobalion EX added!

    RE: Black Heroes/White Heroes I'm almost sure this is the first BW Stadium fake. Bad quality though. But the art is so cute it hardly matters.
  8. Dr. Mason

    Black Heroes/White Heroes Cobalion EX added!

    RE: Black Heroes/White Heroes Took me while to get the font to work but here ya go kids!
  9. Dr. Mason

    Black Heroes/White Heroes Cobalion EX added!

    RE: Black Heroes/White Heroes Thanks. I can't seem to get the right font for HP, I think that's the one that's most off if anything. If you've got it, it would certainly help!
  10. Dr. Mason

    Black Heroes/White Heroes Cobalion EX added!

    Hello folks. It's the creator of DP Great Marsh, formerly known as DictatorDauntless here. I haven't done any faking in a long while. I've got a busy life these days, you know? Anyway, i decided I'd like to make a traditional Gym set for Black and White. I had to get creative with the layouts...
  11. Dr. Mason

    Mason's Lab #1: Magic Flash-Bang!

    If you break the lock you'll lose. If you did use him, it would only be to take a final prize.
  12. Dr. Mason

    Mason's Lab #1: Magic Flash-Bang!

    But the deck doesn't have any way of self damaging unless it plays Donphan, so its able to played around for Donphan-less variants. I suppose it really depends. It's not a straight less though, that's for sure.
  13. Dr. Mason

    Mason's Lab #1: Magic Flash-Bang!

    I disagree. Vileplume Reuniclus wont stop Goth from setting up 5 energy on itself, or getting out its own reunicus. The difference is one deck can OHKO where the other doesn't.
  14. Dr. Mason

    Mason's Lab #1: Magic Flash-Bang!

    It's a good time to get into the game!
  15. Dr. Mason

    Mason's Lab #1: Magic Flash-Bang!

    Mewbox is nowhere near highly played anymore, so I din't bother to list. But that's obvious to anyone with half a brain--Psychic weakness is not a good thing.
  16. Dr. Mason

    Mason's Lab #1: Magic Flash-Bang!

    Ha. That's a left over from my proxies, I'll clean it up right away. As for Electrode, it really doesn't matter if it only nabs you say, two energy. Twins allows you to set up the combo and at that point you've almost definitely won. Try it out a bit.
  17. Dr. Mason

    Mason's Lab #1: Magic Flash-Bang!

    Glad you like it! Let me know if you see any errors!
  18. Dr. Mason

    Mason's Lab #1: Magic Flash-Bang!

    Dr. Mason's Lab: Magic Flash Bang! 博士オーヤマ研究所:フラッシュバンマジック! Hello PokeBeach and welcome to Mason's Lab. Since the article submission process of the PokeGym, I know through experience, is quite tedious and cumbersome, I shall be directing my efforts to the PokeBeach forum, where people who need...
  19. Dr. Mason

    Mason's Lab #1: Magic Flash-Bang!

    Dr. Mason's Lab: Flash Bang Magic! 博士オーヤマ研究所:フラッシュバンマジック! Hello PokeBeach and welcome to Mason's Lab. Since the article submission process of the PokeGym, I know through experience, is quite tedious and cumbersome, I shall be directing my efforts to the PokeBeach forum, where people who...
  20. Dr. Mason

    TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

    RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: A bull, geode, and the GenV Chansey (7/12) Lovely aesthetic, but horrid mechanical design. Very few, if any, colorless costs on non colorless pokemon. And there is a good reason we only have nine types.