Search results

  1. L

    UPDATED 2/26! Lots to trade! Want Gothitelles, Catcher, more!

    RE: MAJOR Update 5/11! Bring me all your EXs and Lv. Xs! Lots of stuff listed! plz cml for your JPN Vending Promos (Kangaskhan, Mr. Mime, Gastly, Gengar, Bellsprout, Extra Rule) JPN Aqua Magma: 014 - Arcanine holo 020 - Magma's Houndoom holo 039 - Aqua's Manectric holo JPN Crystal Guardians...
  2. L

    ★Hyunbin's Trade Thread★ [H] Primes, Promos, RED COLLECTION! [W] BW3 Cards!

    RE: ★Hyunbin's Trade Thread★ [H] EX's Lv.X's, Primes, Promos [W] Scizor PRIME, JPN RDL sorry i value my 1st ed B&W at $10 each and your cardd at $3 each tops and i kinda changed my mind about the ampharos EX LMK
  3. L

    Trades (US) omahanime - added Boundaries Crossed - updated April 24

    RE: omahanime - added Black & White - updated May 14 hi im interested in your .. BW1 Black/White 018/053 Tsunbear 028/053 Gothiruselle 032/053 Doryuzu 013/053 Daikenki 020/053 Zekrom these are some of the cards that i have Cards For Players Energy Gain Bench Shield Expert Belt Sableye...
  4. L

    ★Hyunbin's Trade Thread★ [H] Primes, Promos, RED COLLECTION! [W] BW3 Cards!

    RE: ★Hyunbin's Trade Thread★ [H] EX's Lv.X's, Primes, Promos [W] Scizor PRIME, JPN RDL no im sorry i dont i will be receiving more JPN cards though from another trading website that i joined mostly JPN cards such as JPN 1st edition Prime, VS Series Cards, JPN Half Deck/Movie Cards, ETC...
  5. L

    ★Hyunbin's Trade Thread★ [H] Primes, Promos, RED COLLECTION! [W] BW3 Cards!

    RE: ★Hyunbin's Trade Thread★ [H] EX's Lv.X's, Primes, Promos [W] Scizor PRIME, JPN RDL hi im interested in your ADV3 Ampharos EX ☆H ILLUSION OF HOLON Raichu δ ★H DPt ENTRY PACK Giratina (Origin Form) [Special Pattern Holo] DPt ENTRY PACK Torterra [Special Pattern Holo] DPt ENTRY PACK Dialga...