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  1. S

    HGSS-on Lugia deck

    I would use Stantler instead of Minin. Just my opinion. I would also take out Juniper, 1 PONT, Junk Arm, and Burned tower. Going against Reshiram and Zekrom you won't to even give you opponent a chance to get extra energy. With the other 6 cards out, put in 3 Interviewer's Questions and 3...
  2. S

    Cinpluff. Thought of this in a dream!

    Sorry, autocorrect on my phone put Stanford instead of stantler. Ok, I can see that point. Especially if I'm going against any fire, having them get set up will hurt me in the end. Thanks!
  3. S

    Cinpluff. Thought of this in a dream!

    I can see how Stanford would be ok, but is everyone missing the point that I kinda WANT my opponent to have a full bench?
  4. S

    Cinpluff. Thought of this in a dream!

    Yes, please explain why Pichu is bad. The pichu will let me search fort mincinnos, Hoppip, and Sunkern. And if my opponent takes the bait, it just sets up my Jumpluff to do more! All Cleffa will do is let me shuffle my hand which is what PONT is for. But I am open if you can make sense of why...
  5. S

    New twist to typical Blastgatr

    I have no idea why they would bring it up to active. Lol. I guess the Golduck would oy be so that I had an attacker that wouldn't ruin my strategy. If my feraligatrs go, my kingdra won't do crap against anyone with a single fire pokemon. I only said it was a "twist to a Blastgatr deck". I'm...
  6. S

    New twist to typical Blastgatr

    This is true and I has to think hard about that. But in such case, the lingers could slowly spray splash whoever I wanted including the active just making it more weak. Then could bring up the Feraligatr to do 60+ the damage on the active. I'd only need 1 spray splash on a Reshiram and 2 on an...
  7. S

    Cinpluff. Thought of this in a dream!

    Pokemon:23 2-2 Cinccino 3-2-3 Jumpluff 2-2 Sunflora 2-2 Zoroark 3 Pichu Trainers etc: 22 2x PETM 3x Interviewer's 2x Flower Shop Lady 2x Team Rockets Trickery 3x Super Scoop Up 2x Rare Candy 3x Pokemon Circulator 2x PONT 3x Pokeball Energy: 15 9x Grass 3x Rescue 3x...
  8. S

    New twist to typical Blastgatr

    Switching out Blastoise for Suicune Entei Legend do to cheaper attack and less retreat cost. Pokemon: 18 2-2 SEL 2-1-2 Feraligtr Prime 2-1-2 Kingdra Prime 2 Mantine HGSS 1 Cleffa Promo 1 Smeargle Promo Trainers: 26 2 Indigo Plateau 3 Professor Elm's 2 Bebe's 3 Collector 3...