Search results

  1. CharizardLair565

    Wi-Fi Trades Charizard's Trade Lair

    RE: Charizard Trade Lair I have lots of riolu eggs available. Also have others. If your looking for something specific just pm me or comment below
  2. CharizardLair565

    Wi-Fi Trades Charizard's Trade Lair

    RE: Charizard Trade Lair I'm back (:. Also A few new rules. I Accept: Shinies, rare items, LEGIT Legendaries, Some rarer pokemon or male pokemon with good movesets. Pokemon: I have 3 categories that I breed of pokemon. Pets, Breeder, Battle Pets: Will be the pokemon with basic move...
  3. CharizardLair565

    Wi-Fi Trades Charizard's Trade Lair

    RE: Charizard Trade Lair Ok i'll put you on the list but It'll be awhile because I still haven't been able to get a Japanese Ditto
  4. CharizardLair565

    Wi-Fi Trades Charizard's Trade Lair

    RE: Charizard Trade Lair sorry hitmonlee has been traded already
  5. CharizardLair565

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread) I just evolved him into Lucario but yes he does know some egg moves.
  6. CharizardLair565

    Wi-Fi Trades Charizard's Trade Lair

    RE: Charizard Trade Lair Just obtained a Japanese Zorua so hope to have a shiny one soon.
  7. CharizardLair565

    Wi-Fi Trades Charizard's Trade Lair

    RE: Charizard Trade Lair No it's english
  8. CharizardLair565

    Wi-Fi Trades Charizard's Trade Lair

    RE: Charizard Trade Lair Is there any others your interested in? I have a few Lucarios with some decent move sets for their lv.
  9. CharizardLair565

    Wi-Fi Trades Charizard's Trade Lair

    RE: Charizard Trade Lair Ok ill put you on the list. It's probably going to be awhile though.
  10. CharizardLair565

    Wi-Fi Trades Charizard's Trade Lair

    RE: Charizard Trade Lair No theyre not but I am working of the masuda method so hopefully I'll have some more soon.
  11. CharizardLair565

    Wi-Fi Trades Charizard's Trade Lair

    Rules: 1.Hacks are ok but I must be made aware. 2.You may request trades with other people on this thread 3. Be respectful and Patient. The tasks can take anywhere from hours to over a week. What I have to offer: Shinies: Ditto Recently Hatched: Riolus...
  12. CharizardLair565

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread) No females yet but I should have one soon
  13. CharizardLair565

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread) I traded all of my events ones already and its a level 100.
  14. CharizardLair565

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread) The only legend I have left is a palkia
  15. CharizardLair565

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread) No i don't
  16. CharizardLair565

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread) Unfortunately I don't have any of those anymore.
  17. CharizardLair565

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread) Thank you both for your offers. I'd love to trade with you both. I have a few rioulus if your interested.
  18. CharizardLair565

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread) Can anyone trade me a legit celebi? I don't need it for long just to unlock zorua.
  19. CharizardLair565

    BW/BW2 Celebi trade

    Will do. Thank you for being so understanding
  20. CharizardLair565

    BW/BW2 Celebi trade

    Does anyone have a celebi i can borrow? I have a lot of pokemon id be willing to trade or I can breed you something.