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  1. V

    Deck Lists HGSS On (Reshiboar + Krookophan)

    Bump. Could really use some feed back. =) Updated the Reshiboar list. I took out 1 Pignite for 1 Tyrogue for potential donks. Took out 1 Energy Retrieval for another Pokemon Collector. Debating putting the Pignite back in though because the Muk, Mismagius, Vileplume deck gives me a lot of...
  2. V

    Deck Lists HGSS On (Reshiboar + Krookophan)

    Update - 7/7 - Updated Reshiboar list. Hey everyone. This is my first time posting deck lists so bare with me if I might have made a mistake somewhere. =) Ok so I have two decks I've been messing around with, so I thought I would post them together. Reshiboar was winning almost all the time...