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    PokeBeach's February 2018 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No What is your PTCGO screen name (the name you battle with, not the name you log in with)? aznsens8ion54 What time zone do you live in? (If you don’t know what time zone you live in, use a World Clock to find out.) EST Did you play in January’s tournament? No...
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    H: EX, Primes, and many MORE! W: FA EX's

    hello thanks for looking at my thread. please see below for my list of notable cards...i also have many that aren't on the list just post with what you want and i will check if i have it. Wants: Mewtwo EX EX FA FA N Cobalion FA Gym Heroes Challenge Brock, Giovanni, Koga HOLO Sealed...
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    hey wats up?

    hey wats up?
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    Magnezones and Yanmegas and Donphans OH MY! EVERYTHING M - NM...W: RH staples! --

    im mainly lookin for rh collectrs, cyndaquils and energies
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    Magnezones and Yanmegas and Donphans OH MY! EVERYTHING M - NM...W: RH staples! --

    not as bad i just wanted to try them out in a test deck i was building
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    Magnezones and Yanmegas and Donphans OH MY! EVERYTHING M - NM...W: RH staples! --

    which league did u meet me at? i still have[hr] how about 1 mew prime and 1 donphan prime for RH Ninetales HGSS x 1 RH Rare Candy x 3 RH Pokemon Collector x1
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    Magnezones and Yanmegas and Donphans OH MY! EVERYTHING M - NM...W: RH staples! --

    RE: Magnezones and Yanmegas and Donphans OH MY! W: RH staples! 1 donphan prime, 1 magnezone prime for just the rh collectors and rare candies then?[hr] machamp prime and gengar prime for yanmega? and what would you like for the burned tower?
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    Magnezones and Yanmegas and Donphans OH MY! EVERYTHING M - NM...W: RH staples! --

    RE: HAVE MANY MANY CARDS FOR TRADE! NEED RH staples! i couldnt really find anything i needed...except for the top half of RDL if thats for trade?
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    Magnezones and Yanmegas and Donphans OH MY! EVERYTHING M - NM...W: RH staples! --

    RE: Magnezones and Yanmegas and Donphans OH MY! W: RH staples! 1 magnezone, 1 donphan and 1 FA reshiram for all? how may of the RH energies do you have? [hr] lol what does cml mean?[hr] how about abiliity serperior for RH ninetales?
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    Magnezones and Yanmegas and Donphans OH MY! EVERYTHING M - NM...W: RH staples! --

    RE: HAVE MANY MANY CARDS FOR TRADE! NEED RH staples! will trade mew prime for 2 jumpluff and 1 ninetales and something else for the energy? are there any RH that you need?
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    RE: H: RH Collector, Primes,Donphan Prime, FA Reshiram W: Come look would you take a fa zekrom and bw communication for rh collector and rh cyndaquil?
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    Large Update! Looking for a few things!

    RE: T-Peezy's Trades (UPDATED! BACK IN BUISNESS!) H: X1 Yanmega would u trade yanmega prime for fa zekrom fa rehiram ability serperior?
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    Magnezones and Yanmegas and Donphans OH MY! EVERYTHING M - NM...W: RH staples! --

    hello thanks for looking at my thread. please see below for my list of notable cards...i also have many that aren't on the list jus pm me with what you want and i will check if i have it. WANTS: Yanmega Prime x 1 Jumpluff HGSS x 2 Manaphy UL x 2 RH Burned Tower x 1 RH Cyndaquil HGSS x 2...