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  1. M

    HS - ND deck, M-lok

    Hi, my brother and I could not enter any more City Championships after this :/ so we started testing the new format :D, which is HS - ND, which is the format for the next competition which is the States Championships. We made a deck for this and we hope you can help us out! This deck did well...
  2. M

    <<<<Team Monster>>>> [WE NEED MEMBERS] <TCG>

    Darkvoid57, welcome to the team. On topic: I don't have Regionals where I came from. :/ Sounds like a nasty big event that you don't want to come into with a shaky format.
  3. M

    <<<<Team Monster>>>> [WE NEED MEMBERS] <TCG>

    When are BRs typically gonna be for you Legos? The last time a BR happened to start off the season was late October for me. I think since we're still in August, I would have to wait for my local metagame to evolve before making any moves. I am favouring Pretzels for its sick games in Swiss and...
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    <<<<Team Monster>>>> [WE NEED MEMBERS] <TCG>

    Hi guys, thanks for adding me into the Team. I really appreciate it and I hope to learn more from all of you! :D Talking about EP, I am liking Tordanus very much and am experimenting with a Tornadus/Zekrom deck. Tornadus is a cover for Zekrom's weakness/gives the deck better endurance/makes a...
  5. M

    Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

    RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic. I will be going on a shopping spree soon. Would like to know the prices of the following to see if I can avoid getting ripped, or am getting a bang for my buck: Kingdra Prime Tepig Promo 007 Manaphy UL Gengar Prime Ursaring Prime Pokegear 3.0...