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  1. Empty Soul Keeper

    How did you find this place?

    I googled around for Pokemon forum sites and this one really caught my eye :) I really love it here~
  2. Empty Soul Keeper

    Afro-G, haha xD yea. I used to do opens which were like 5am starts but now I do day shifts...

    Afro-G, haha xD yea. I used to do opens which were like 5am starts but now I do day shifts, night shifts and over nights D: I hate it...and I hate working with food...I work for Hungry Jack's x.X but yea. and nahh =P nothing is better than that xD
  3. Empty Soul Keeper

    Afro-G, well I worked from 11:30pm til 5am this morning, that's when I came on and talked to you...

    Afro-G, well I worked from 11:30pm til 5am this morning, that's when I came on and talked to you :3 and yea, I think 8 is a really young age to be raging at games that can't fight back xD
  4. Empty Soul Keeper

    Afro-G, no I don't really cry...but I do get upset and almost throw my ds at something...

    Afro-G, no I don't really cry...but I do get upset and almost throw my ds at something because it is so frustrating that you die when you are sooooo close to winning.. D: and yea huh :3 how have you been today? :3
  5. Empty Soul Keeper

    Afro-G, hehe ooh right ^^;; and yea :3 I'm pretty layed back but cry when lose battles D: but...

    Afro-G, hehe ooh right ^^;; and yea :3 I'm pretty layed back but cry when lose battles D: but that's pretty cool :P and Pokemon Black is awesome :D I love it but the pokemon are soooooooooooooo weird now x.X never thought garbage, chandeliers, ice cream or ants could become pokemon~ xD
  6. Empty Soul Keeper

    DNA, hehe I got Black last week and got to the Elite 4 but I keep fainting on the last Elite 4's...

    DNA, hehe I got Black last week and got to the Elite 4 but I keep fainting on the last Elite 4's member and their last pokemon D: there are other horrible pokemon that troll my everystep too...I have a new hatred for those pokemon xD can't remember their names though D:
  7. Empty Soul Keeper

    Afro-G, oooh what is home schooling like? I have always wondered about that~ and thats pretty...

    Afro-G, oooh what is home schooling like? I have always wondered about that~ and thats pretty cool :P Umm my area of expertise xD I just play the GBA and DS games although I'm not the best with them and lose patience pretty in Pokemon Black I got Pwned two times from the last...
  8. Empty Soul Keeper

    Afro-G, haha yea xD I suppose that would be a very common story :P hehe this place is amazing ^^...

    Afro-G, haha yea xD I suppose that would be a very common story :P hehe this place is amazing ^^ and yes! :D I'll try and say hi when ever I see you :P hehe :) how was your day? :D
  9. Empty Soul Keeper

    DNA, Hehe I know that :P But I named it Zubat :) xD I just thought I'd be random with it ^^ I...

    DNA, Hehe I know that :P But I named it Zubat :) xD I just thought I'd be random with it ^^ I really hated walking in caves and get trolled by Zubats with every step D:
  10. Empty Soul Keeper

    The reason for your username?

    My username I use for pretty much everything. I've had it since 2006 and it was created one day when I felt a bit depressed but I'm also interested in supernatural things and grim reapers and all that ^w^ and it stuck ever since :D and the shortend version: ESK is pretty epic too :3
  11. Empty Soul Keeper

    Back To School!!!! O_o

    :3 I graduated high school last year, thank god it was the best thing that ever happened~ that's probably off topic but any way. what about TAFE, would that count as school since it's college? but I also passed my course in 6 months that it was on for this year~
  12. Empty Soul Keeper

    Afro-G, hehe thanks :D I was just browsing on google and found this place Whilst I was playing...

    Afro-G, hehe thanks :D I was just browsing on google and found this place Whilst I was playing Pokemon last night xD So yea :D and I do love the forum :) Hope to talk to you again~
  13. Empty Soul Keeper

    Community The Beach Member Picture Thread

    RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!) Me chilling with a cop :) Fun night ^w^
  14. Empty Soul Keeper

    What are you scared of?

    My Phobias...well my Arachnaphobia is ridiculously really bad D: I cry even when I see those really small spiders *dies after saying it* and my second phobia is of Heights x.X I have way more but those are my main phobias D: