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  1. E

    Anyone got any funny quotes?

    "just fill in the bubbles with the letter of your name" "i don't get it?!"
  2. E


    EWWWW ,y brother loves it but i can't stand the band! they like scream sing
  3. E

    Your current time...

    it is 7:12 in massachusetts , USA :)
  4. E


    well, if i was you i would just go be honest and hope she might like you too or at least be kind enough to go on one date with you! You'll never know if you don't try....
  5. E

    Three Power Peoples Banner Shop

    Sora do you only have paint? if you do then sorry...but no
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    Finished Add-on Sentence Game !

    tree but the tree became alive and hit him in the face and then....
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    Three Power Peoples Banner Shop

    Ya, that would be great.
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    Three Power Peoples Banner Shop

    Hey everyone! If you need a banner you are at the right place! Just fill at the form below and send it back. We will pm you when we are done. :D Banner shop form Banner form: Size: Pokemon: Font: Font Color: Background: Avatar form: Size: Pokemon: Font: Font Color...
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    Personal Life Question

    you could just go with a friend it doesnt have to be a date...but if i had to choice an answer i'd do b if you really dont want to go with that person
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    Banner Problem

    My friend gave me a do i get it in my signature.....Ya its probaly obvious but i can't figure it out!:( SO PLEASE HELP THANKS[hr]opps..put it in wrong section of the forums....[hr]ok..well instead of lookin can someone plz answer..
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    ok...i play off and on not. that long at a time....
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    !!!SPOILER WARNING!!! Harry Potter 7 discussion

    Some people read it in a day.... i dont get it, why read it in such a hurry?
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    post your pets thread! (because the old thread died)

    I have the cutest little kitten named Tabby!
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    Does anyone play on runescape? If you do whats your user name? Mine is Ember209(same as this game). You can add me on rs...i dont care:D
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    Club Pinguin

    i still go on sometimes my user namer is Lovely226 if you see me feel free to say hi