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  1. bacon

    'CoroCoro' and 'Shonen Sunday' Leaks Reveal New Mega Pokémon and Downloadable Demo for OR/AS [9/9]

    Mega Sharpedo looks interesting. Between snatching a Speed Boost in its vanillia form and getting a base Speed increase with its mega evolution, it can outspeed pretty much everything without even trying. I don't think it will be top tier though. As it has no notable boosting moves, I don't...
  2. bacon

    6th Gen ??- Volcanion

    Sure, but due to the total lack of recovery it's much more dependant on that level of support. Lefties Volcanion can afford to come in once or twice with SR on the field, as between Leftovers and Protect it takes net damage of 12.5% rather than 25%. I just don't think the constant support AV...
  3. bacon


  4. bacon

    Sure thing!

    Sure thing!
  5. bacon

    I guess I'll surprise you ; ) When can you trade?

    I guess I'll surprise you ; ) When can you trade?
  6. bacon

    I usually don't do that sort of thing, but geez these are rare... so yeah, if you don't mind...

    I usually don't do that sort of thing, but geez these are rare... so yeah, if you don't mind, I'd love one! Fancy any 5 IV mons in return?
  7. bacon

    I don't suppose you've come across a HA Alomomola in your travels?

    I don't suppose you've come across a HA Alomomola in your travels?
  8. bacon

    6th Gen ??- Volcanion

    I'm unconvinced about Assault Vest, as it would be worn down so easily between hazard damage and sandstorm. I would probably run Leftovers + Protect, which gives Volcanion a little passive recovery and extra turns to rack up burn damage. Steam Eruption is mandatory, and support with...
  9. bacon

    neato : )

    neato : )
  10. bacon

    You sure? Well let me know if you're interested in anything else. Thanks!

    You sure? Well let me know if you're interested in anything else. Thanks!
  11. bacon

    Wait do you want a bold female too? 4 IVs but can breed with what I just gave you.

    Wait do you want a bold female too? 4 IVs but can breed with what I just gave you.
  12. bacon

    Sure. I don't have a 5 IV Bold Sableye, but can give you two parents to breed it.

    Sure. I don't have a 5 IV Bold Sableye, but can give you two parents to breed it.
  13. bacon

    I'm around for the next couple of hours. Want anything in particular for the Manectric stone?

    I'm around for the next couple of hours. Want anything in particular for the Manectric stone?
  14. bacon

    Viable Teams In OU Using XY Exclusive Options

    So this is probably the first time in Pokemon history that I've been inclined to raise competitive Pokemon from scratch. It's just so easy to spit out a perfect Pokemon in a couple of hours if you know what you are doing, and finding opponents through the new and improved WiFi system is easier...
  15. bacon

    If I showed you the video where it came from, it would creep into your nightmares as an adult...

    If I showed you the video where it came from, it would creep into your nightmares as an adult too. ;(
  16. bacon

    Yeah, I graduated a couple of years ago now. You play MK8? Oh snap son. We gotta race.

    Yeah, I graduated a couple of years ago now. You play MK8? Oh snap son. We gotta race.
  17. bacon

    Writing The Worst of the Worst - Teapot's LeafGreen Playthrough - Finished. Please give me feedback!!

    RE: The Worst of the Worst - Teapot's LeafGreen Playthrough - Prologue I impatiently wait for chapter 1.
  18. bacon

    Sweet deal. I've been raising quite a few mons, off the top of my head I can give you...

    Sweet deal. I've been raising quite a few mons, off the top of my head I can give you... Adamant Azu with Aqua Jet + Belly Drum Naive Bagon Adamant Dratini with Extreme Speed Adamant Heracross with Rock Blast Modest Mareep with Agility Bold Sableye with Prankster and Recover Jolly Absol...
  19. bacon

    OF COURSE. And sort of but not really. How is the college life going?

    OF COURSE. And sort of but not really. How is the college life going?
  20. bacon

    I need Manectric's Mega Stone : ) I can offer 5/6 IV Pokemon in return with good egg moves.

    I need Manectric's Mega Stone : ) I can offer 5/6 IV Pokemon in return with good egg moves.