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  1. M

    THE Worlds thread. Who's going / Info, ask questions here. (Official Site in OP)

    does somebody knows,what Itsuku Kito plays? (I mean which deck)?
  2. M

    Need help

    Hi,I need an advice to Darkrai EX deck idea or the usage of him in some several decks..
  3. M

    The future of the format... Need Help Please :-)

    Hello , I need your help with question,which deck is best from these for future: Terrakion ( with Groudon) ZekEels. ( with raikou and tornadus) Darkrai/Zoroark Durant CMT
  4. M

    Best Deck Post-DE (CMT, Zek, Dark?)

    I think that the ZekEels would be best,because there is tornadus EX and 2 Mewtwo as a powerful countrr against terrakion...