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  1. J

    Favoerite Food

    fish fingers
  2. J

    who will marry ash

    i really don't know maybe that girl with the girafarig
  3. J

    Pokemon Your Favourite Pokémon

    every pokemon is my fave its just to hard to choose
  4. J

    Pokemon Your Favourite Pokémon

    every pokemon is my fave its just to hard to choose
  5. J

    Pokemon Your Favourite Pokémon

    every pokemon is my fave its just to hard to choose
  6. J

    Pokemon 4th Gen Pokemon

    I think that they are all great even Buizeru so don't insult him he looks like me :)
  7. J

    fave xiaolin showdown shen gong wu

    the sword of the storm conbined with eye of dashi