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  1. R

    Ruling What's the trend in America these days?

    My country is as follows. (Japanese Regulation) Eevee(UF) - Leafeon LV.X + Glaceon LV.X + Claydol(ND) BlastoireEX + LugiaEX + Alakazam☆ + SteelixEX + Pidgeot etc. Magmorter etc. (Blissey or Togekiss) Gallade etc. (Cessation Crystal + Cursed Stone + Absol(SW) or GardevoirEX(DF) +...
  2. R

    Sunday, 3/9, Complete DP5 Theme Deck Translations

    I am credible using Mewtwo LV.X and Energy Patch. Because my country used Japanese Regulation, those make head against BlastoireEX Deck or Absol and Gallade Deck.