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  1. Drgnslyr208

    XY What are some inanimate objects that you want a Pokémon based on?

    RE: What are some inanimate objects that you want a Pokemon based on? I kinda would want to see a cannon based Pokemon made but not a cannon as the whole body but more like its arms or something
  2. Drgnslyr208

    Pokemon Why Do You Play Pokemon?

    I play Pokémon because its fun, and it makes my imagination go to newer levels everytime i play it.The main reason i play though is to remind myself of all the times ive had with my friends backs when i was a kid, and pokémon was our favorite thing, but there are many reasons why i play, but...
  3. Drgnslyr208

    Any southeastern Kentucky Leagues/Tournaments?

    Just use this website It tells you where leagues, tournaments, and premier events are at, and when they'll be
  4. Drgnslyr208

    Cilan's Purpose in the Anime?

    RE: Cilan I dont really care for Cilan that much, he could never replace Brock, i mean he does have some neat sayings, but some get really stupid and unnessary, but hes still ok in my book, but Brocks A-ok lol
  5. Drgnslyr208

    Pokemon legends timeline

    I like the idea of how rayquaza was made, but the coolest i think would have to be Palkia and his breathing, i can actually imagine that lol
  6. Drgnslyr208

    Pokemon Create Your Gym!

    Type: Rock Music: Congratulations by Blue October First Battle # of Pokémon: 5 The first time you come into my gym its a simple puzzle. You have to use strength to push the boulders into the empty holes to get across(Much like the Victory Road on Pokémon RBY/FR&LG) Rematch Battle # of...
  7. Drgnslyr208

    Slowbrother's Fake cards

    Its look really great to me but i wouldve filled in the empty spots with snow or something that resembles Kyurem, but thats just me though :P
  8. Drgnslyr208

    Pokemon Adventures: Black & White Box Set to be Released October 2012

    I am so gonna get that as soon as it comes out, ive been trying to get all the series, and movies of pokémon but i sucks at looking :'( lol
  9. Drgnslyr208

    Fakemon Create-A-Move

    RE: make your own pokemove I made this up when i played pokemon in real life, and i made this move just for Aggron lol Move name:Iron Hug Type:Steel Move type: Normal Power: 120 Accuracy:80 Effect:75% of parazyling opponent
  10. Drgnslyr208

    A few questions about the TV Show (Latest Season)

    Yes i believe they already have, or are about to, and use this website, its great