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  1. Q

    Rulebook assistance needed

    Yeah well, I'm not doing anything publication-quality this side ever -- if I need higher res of anything, I go closer, take more than one photos with the phone, then stitch the pics together. Scanner I've got none.
  2. Q

    Rulebook assistance needed

    Yes, I saw it with glee -- nice way to start my day. Nice, hi-res (for me) and clean scans. Keep 'em comin' :D
  3. Q

    Rulebook assistance needed

    Well, thank you for the silent support. Maybe when time comes and your other projects have settled... :rolleyes:
  4. Q

    Rulebook assistance needed

    Since I wish to program an AI for it. Yes, I know, it was told often that "YEEAH, I'M SO GONNA PROGRAM AN AI" so I'm not making promises. However, for to get a viable AI, I believe it's best to make it play and learn "through the ages." Furthermore, people might want to play it "like how it was...
  5. Q

    Rulebook assistance needed

    Yeah well, I understand that much, nevertheless I don't play Pokémon as such, and for that reason I find it an unneccessary expense to spend on 30+ theme decks when I would never use them in the end -- all I do is plain research and some programming, for which the actual decks are not needed...
  6. Q

    Rulebook assistance needed

    Thank you for the answers so far, they have helped me much. I have to grant that Bulbapedia is also an awesome resource (that's where I learnt there are more than four kinds of conditions, for example...), I will attempt to categorize those in as well.
  7. Q

    Rulebook assistance needed

    _Everything_ is what I would like to know what changed. When a rule was introduced, removed, modified, amended, reworded, etc. When were the various special things such as Pokémon EX, delta species, Confused etc. put into the game, when did the rule about weakness/resistance change and what was...
  8. Q

    Rulebook assistance needed

    I have been trying for the last couple of weeks to acquire copies of the rulebooks of the past (and from the beginnings, ie. Base Set) for my own research purposes, mainly to assemble a thorough listing of how the rules have changed and how the new rules were introduced during the lifetime of...