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  1. S

    XY What Do You Think of the Starters?

    Gen I: Grass/Poison, Fire/Flying, Water Gen II: Grass, Fire, Water Gen III: Grass, Fire/Fighting, Water/Ground Gen IV: Grass/Ground, Fire/Fighting, Water/Steel Gen V: Grass, Fire/Fighting, Water I think it's a longshot that all 3 of them get alternate typings considering it's only happened...
  2. S

    XY Anyone else dislike parts of this game?

    Just because I'm old school, I will miss the sprited Pokemon. But otherwise, I think the "3D" world (in quotes because as someone else mentioned the character still appears to move on a 2D grid) is going to be pretty slick. The trailer had me drooling.
  3. S

    XY What kind of Gym Types would you like to see in Gen 6?

    Always fun to guess these. Assuming the observations on Bug/Psychic Gym and Fire E4 are true, here are my predictions: 1. Ground 2. Bug 3. Ice 4. Poison 5. Dark 6. Psychic 7. Grass 8. Ghost E4: Fire, Electric, Steel, Flying