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  1. H

    Duskrai (Dusknoir, Darkrai EX)

    Pokemon, 13 3 Darkrai EX 3-2 3 Dusknoir 2 sableye Trainers, 38 4 HT Laser 3 Virbank City Gym 4 N 4 Skyla 3 Heavy Ball 4 Dark Claw 2 Dark Patch 4 Juniper 3 Rare Candy 4 N 3 Catcher Energy, 12 10 Dark 2 blend (Dark, psychic, Grass, Fire) Strategy I play online...
  2. H

    duntini (dunsparce- victini) just a fun deck

    with evolite it will be 30 damage a turn. 30 times 6 is 180. with a plus power or two it would be less. [hr] great idea! I think your right about the super rod too. The main reason I had four was to grab plus powers out of the discard pile. but with virbank and hypotoxic, the PPs wont be needed.
  3. H

    duntini (dunsparce- victini) just a fun deck

    POKEMON 8 4x Dunsparce (dig, 10 damage: flip a coin, if heads its safe for a turn) 2x Fliptini 2x terakion T/S/S 24 4x evolite 4x level ball 4x plus power 2x ultra ball 3x skyla 3x N 4x super rod ENERGY 12 10x fighting 2x DCE This is just a skeleton, but I think it has potential to be a...