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  1. pickupapiplup

    Shadow Triad

    I'm running a Chandelure/ Lugia EX/Snorlax deck at the moment (yet to be played at my league but tested a few times) I run 2 shadow triad and it's fantastic in certain situations like getting back plasma energy, colress machines and team plasma balls (if I need another Lugia or Chandelure out...
  2. pickupapiplup

    Sablelock - Sableye/Garbodor

    I completely agree with your point, I suggested putting in 2-3 Absol PLF 67 for attacking, it helps set up KO's with Laserbank and it adds damage into the mix, like I said this deck is just an idea at the moment and he'd be very interested in hearing ideas for attackers.
  3. pickupapiplup

    Sablelock - Sableye/Garbodor

    Ok guys this is a list a friend of mine is working on as a none attacking deck using Sableye and Garbodor based off a list he found on 6P, His strategy as at the bottom, please make some suggestions of how to improve this deck. Pokemon 4x Sableye DEX 62 3x Trubbish 3x Garbodor DRX 54...
  4. pickupapiplup

    Plasma Eeveelution deck

    I agree with moon281 on the frozen city part, if people are playing plasma decks or decks that attach from discard (rayeels/darkrai) frozen city is a wasted stadium, only play it if keldeo/blastoise is a popular deck in your area.
  5. pickupapiplup

    Plasma Eeveelution deck

    Sorry for the small necro and hijacking this thread but I've been working on a Eeveelution deck to play in my local league for fun, here's my list so far, please feel free to add suggestions! Pokemon 4x Eevee PLF 90/116 3x Leafeon PLF 11/116 1x Vaporeon PLF 20/116 2x Flareon PLF...
  6. pickupapiplup

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hey everyone, I'm Dan I've been a Pokémon fan since the original 151 (a long time right?) I've always played the video games and I've recently got back into the TCG scene, I occasionally participate in my local league I love the strategy of creating new decks and testing them out.