Search results

  1. M

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hi ! My name is Etienne/mech_engineer and I am from Qc, Canada. This is my first time on a pokemon forum. First time I ever played pokemon was back in the days with my Gameboy and pokemon blue version. After that I kind of quit the pokemon family and got back about a year ago with my first...
  2. M

    You can close the topic plz

    As the title says. Want to buy plasma freeze code that can be emailed to me and I pay with paypal. Let me know your offer. I am looking for about 75- 100 codes depending what you have Thank you EDIT : I've found what I wanted, you can close the topic now
  3. M

    Hi, I'm interested in your offer for the plasma freeze online code. I don't seem to be able to...

    Hi, I'm interested in your offer for the plasma freeze online code. I don't seem to be able to send PM ... but you can contact me via my email . [email protected], I could pay you with paypal and you send me the code via email ? How does it sound ? Thank you