Search results

  1. BluLead

    Orellanine [Ninetails/Amoongus]

    Hello once again to everyone! This deck is a bit of a rogue one, especially in the current Meta. However, I think the strategy is pretty solid. I'd actually like to put this deck to the test in tournaments, despite its weaker power, and I think the Plasma series can really help bring these two...
  2. BluLead

    Terribly sorry about the mishap with the card rules. I just never saw it.

    Terribly sorry about the mishap with the card rules. I just never saw it.
  3. BluLead

    Poison Everything [Garbodor/Giratina/Crobat]

    RE: Poison Everything Here's a (I think) nice skeleton to work with. Pokemon - 13 4 - 1 - 4 Crobat line 2 - 2 Garbodor [Dragons Exalted] Supporters - 14 4 N 4 Colress 4 Skyla 2 Prof Juniper Items - 17 4 Rare Candy 2 Rescue Scarfs 2 Virbank City Gym 2 Hypnotoxic Laser 2 Heavy Ball 4 Team...
  4. BluLead

    Poison Everything [Garbodor/Giratina/Crobat]

    RE: Poison Everything Eh, you don't NEED Tropical Beach for a Crobat focused deck, you just need some more Rare Candies and ways to sort through your deck faster. If you can get what you need and get it fast, you don't need such expensive cards. Also, is that (1 PF) supposed to mean...
  5. BluLead

    Endless Storm [Kingdra/Black Kyurem/Blastoise]

    Ahoy there! Well, ever since my little Bro and I began the Pokemon journey, I decided to get us some booster packs to give us a bit more of options rather than just the starter decks. First rare I got outta mine was a Kingdra, and I gotta admit, he looks pretty damn cool! Got to reading...
  6. BluLead

    Poison Everything [Garbodor/Giratina/Crobat]

    RE: Poison Everything Hello there, First of all, I apologize if I give off some strange advice. I'm still new to all of this, and I might not have some things down right in terms of cards, etc. With that disclaimer out, here's some things I've noticed about the deck. Since you want this...
  7. BluLead

    Vile Scrapper [Aggron/Sableye Mill]

    Yeah, same here. Um...I don't have Tropical Beach. Nor do I know how you can get it, aside from investing a fortune on the card. Quite honestly, I wanna use as little money as possible for this deck as well, just due to not having the greatest paying job in the world. We'll just keep that...
  8. BluLead

    Vile Scrapper [Aggron/Sableye Mill]

    That actually sounds like a decent plan. The only thing I can state in which Darkrai needs to be in my deck is due to his ability of practically FREE retreat. The big weakness of replacing Mr. Mime with Darkrai in there if (and probably) an Aggron gets trapped in with a PokeCatcher. That Aggron...
  9. BluLead

    Vile Scrapper [Aggron/Sableye Mill]

    Yeah, sorry that was a misread on my part. Thinking that Enchanted Hammers were a guaranteed energy removal vs a flip removal. I'll update the list as such: -2 Enchanted Hammer -1 Level Ball +2 Crushing Hammer +1 Computer Search (just because I have it. It'd help me out with finding that EXACT...
  10. BluLead

    Vile Scrapper [Aggron/Sableye Mill]

    Yeah, that's why I'm posting this as a "B/W-on" listing. It'll mostly be for the League get togethers, without tournaments in mind. However, when the B/W-on ruling comes into play next year, THEN I'll use it for that. Mostly it's just to troll people with.
  11. BluLead

    Vile Scrapper [Aggron/Sableye Mill]

    Ahoy, Mates! Welp, a few folks gave me a few neat ideas on what decks I'd like to use. One of them gave me a twinkle in me eye, a smile that was grinnin' ear-to-ear, and the soft music of Trolololo in the corners of my mind. That was the Milling deck of Sableye and Aggron. Without further ado...
  12. BluLead

    Introduce Yourself!

    Ahoy, mates! Captain BluLead, at yer service. Found meself here after scourin' the Seven Seas fer a good place ta rest me bones and talk about these card games wit the li'l creatures after me wee swabbie of a brother became fascinated with it. sea talk is still on.. *ahem*...