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  1. Catzrkool


    Yes, very helpful advice. thank you very much! Though the reason I might choose shaymin over emolga is because thundurus is very popular and if they have even just one deoxys on the bench it OHKO emolga. It will just depend if thundurus is really popular in my area. Also I personally would like...
  2. Catzrkool


    Wow I wish I heard of this before. Ok I'll test and see how it works [hr] Do I have a larger selection of pokemon so poke communication could work but now that I have an actual method of testing Ill see how everything works and make an update.
  3. Catzrkool


    Ok will do! What do you think I should take out though? [hr] Honestly as a newbie player I was just listening to someone who played the deck and put in the keldeo/float stone. XD Though I do like my line of gardevoir and gallade, I'd rather not have them clogging my hand. Ill see what...
  4. Catzrkool


    My best bet against deoxys is stalling with sigilyph and set up my gallade or mewtwo to OHKO. Maybe after I get all my cards and do some testing ill see if I can squeeze in another sigilyph or maybe a more offensive out towards deoxys. Like he said the deck is tight on space I could catcher it...
  5. Catzrkool


    I will see if thundurus is a popular card in my league. Either way the one retreat clar isn't bad, I would have had to have energy on it for call for family but yeah I'll see what's popular in my league. Does the deck ever get walled by like a steel type or have trouble just running into a...
  6. Catzrkool


    Meloetta and cresslia sound interesting ill have to try them out. Unforunatly mincinno only allows to search for one basic pokemon while shaymin let's me get out two pokemon. Mismagius and lanturn sound awesome but I can't use them in modified format :/ if I ever play in unlimited though ill be...
  7. Catzrkool


    ok thank you very much for the tip, ill make the change
  8. Catzrkool


    Well I'm still in the process of making, unfortunately im still missing quite alot of the cards but its look like a really cool fun deck!! Thanks I could really use the feedback hit me up anytime.
  9. Catzrkool


    possibly catchers are a bit expensive, ill try to find the money but prolly not
  10. Catzrkool


    This is my first deck I'm making, its not meant to be anything really competitive but just a fun league deck for me to mess around with and get started with. I am also on a bit of a budget. This is the updated version with all the advice I got there are still some other cards I would like to...