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  1. S

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers People, why does Extrasensory have 20 PP in Greninja's pic? That move has 10 PP, doesn't it?
  2. S

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers Ciao a tutti dall'Italia. I'm sorry for those who liked Greninja style, but I have bad news. I am sure that Greninja stat-view is completely a FAKE. I gave a look to the official stat-view of Froakie, did you people remember that? So, in that pic...