“Journey Together” Prerelease Promos Revealed!

Water Pokémon Master

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The Journey Together prerelease promos have been revealed! All four cards are reprints from the set, but feature English-exclusive artwork (for now).





You can get one of the promos in a Journey Together Build & Battle Box. They can be purchased early by participating in prerelease tournaments. They will be held starting this weekend. Use Pokemon.com’s event locator to find one near you.
The set will release on March 28th...

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Love these arts, not the best picks for a prerelease? The Lillie's one looks like it really sucks unless they give a clefairy ex with the prebuilt deck, and the rest are archetype specific and don't interact well together. Overall this seems like "who gets the right ex for their deck?" would be the actual battle. Still going to prerelease though lol
I bet the STAFF Hop’s Snorlax is gonna be the most expensive prerelease STAFF card in the entirety of SV. Not only is it playable, but it’s Snorlax. The only thing that would make this card less special to some is that it’s owned by Hop.