Discussion “My First Battle” - Custom Format

Lord Hierarch

Aspiring Trainer
A few years ago my kids found a Pokemon card and that started their collection. When they wanted to learn how to play, I made them 30-card half decks. The
games last like 5-10 min, and I made them several decks. They've since moved on to real decks. When Pocket was released, I was reminded of these (of which the Brock theme is the only one left!)

So for nostalgia sake, I made this skeleton of a homebrew format. Its 7 cards a hand, no prizes (optional 3), only 2 of a kind, and the bench is just 3. No rule boxes cause most of them have outrageous HP.

Trainers. These 12 don't change. Got too many. This is the "core":
2 Potion. For the Healing.
2 Draw 3. For the Draw.
2 Poke Ball. For the Coin Flip (always fun!)
2 Pokemon Catcher. For the Swap + Coin Flip (!).
1 Great Ball. For the Searching.
1 Youngster/Shauna. For Hand Refresh.
1 Switch. For the Switch.
1 Vitality Band. MOAR POWAAAAAH!!!

The idea is to use as cheap of cards I have on hand to make decks out of.

For Energy I averaged 8-10. This brings us to 20-22. Leaving 8-10 Pokemon.

The idea of this format would be to be like the actual MFB/Pocket, but a MFB+/Pre-Battle Academy in the TCG style.

For Pokemon I'd say from any set, but 1 limit I liked was just using 151 Pokemon. IDK.

I'm hoping to try and test this in my apt and look for a club so my kids can find more people to play with.

What cards can I use to expand the Trainer Pool? What are your thoughts?
