This group is dedicated to all things graphics, whether it be signatures and avatars, or perhaps you'd like to make those snazzy C4D'S. Whatever it, we're a group that's willing to help! Your skill level to join this group is irrelevant, as long as you're willing to learn.
1. Absolutely no ripping of other people's artwork. If you post something that is not yours, and claim it's yours, anywhere on the forum, you'll be permanently banned from this group.
2. No destructive criticism.
3. If you're going to join, please be willing to learn, and open your mind.
-Current Activity-
2nd Assignment:
Stock: http://i55.tinypic.com/2uqbuvn.jpg
Size: 400x150
Text: Lightening or none at all
Due date: Whenever.
First Resource pack
How long have you been making graphics:
What would you like to learn while here:
Why do you want to join:
What program do you use:
Some examples:
*For the love of Jigglypuff, we will /not/ be accepting people who use MS paint, due to the fact it's pretty much impossible to learn anything while using that program.
I know many people can't afford access to photoshop, so there is many alternatives. GIMP is probably the most recommended one out there and highly used of completely free image manipulated programs. It is also very advanced, and has most of the same features as photoshop does. Also, it's very lightweight if your computer is older than most. You can download it here: http://www.gimp.org/
How long have you been making graphics: Since mid April 2010.
What would you like to learn while here: I'd like to improve my overall skill.
Why do you want to join: To help other people with GFX
Program used: Photoshop CS5
Some Examples: http://i51.tinypic.com/ei6n0y.jpg
[Ultra Aero]
How long have you been making graphics: Since August 2010
What would you like to learn while here: Userbars, vectors, sprites, blending..basically everything
Why do you want to join: To learn new stuff and to help other learn new stuff...xD
Program Used: Photoshop CS2 and Imageready CS2(for animation but I rarely make one)
Some examples: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=87883
How long have you been making graphics: no clue lol
Program used: Gimp over PS usually
Examples: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/296/8/f/lilsparks101_tag_wall_by_amaestrog-d31e1gn.png
[gliding ace star]
How long have you been making graphics: 8 months
What would you like to learn while here: Better sigs
Why do you want to join: Better sigs, to see other art, and to show off my art (and ask questions)
What program do you use: Photoshop CS2, might be getting CS4 soon
Some examples: [x] [x] [x]
How long have you been making graphics: Since I was ten years old.
What would you like to learn while here: How to make sprite userbars.
Why do you want to join: To discuss and learn graphics and help others get better at it.
What program do you use: Photoshop CS5
Some examples: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/308/3/8/banner_for_solar_master_by_magikarpbeast-d325pp7.png
.:Sweet Dawn Berlitz:.
[Sweet Candace]
How long have you been making graphics: Since late 2009
What would you like to learn while here: Anything that will help me make better quality work.
Why do you want to join: Want to learn all the tricks of the trade ij making banners
What program do you use: Probably the only person to use Paint.NET
Some examples:
[avatar dude]
How long have you been making graphics: Somewhere in 2009, but I got much better in May 2010
What would you like to learn while here: How to make userbars mainly.
Why do you want to join: To learn to use Photoshop and other stuff thats downloaded om ny computer and has been sitting here for a good year.
What program do you use: I can use the CS4 Master Collection, but for now, I use iScribble Toungue
Some examples: http://my.imageshack.us/v_images.php and http://moocoweatsbeef.deviantart.com/art...-183622299
How long have you been making graphics: Since July 2010
What would you like to learn while here: Shading and coloring techniques, what C4D is...how you can find a smudge tool. How to not be a n00b.
Why do you want to join: To learn all stuff stated above.
What program do you use: Photoshop Elements 5.0, currently, may change later.
Some examples:Dratini
Jirachi Avatar
Jirachi and Trainer
How long have you been making graphics: MS Paint for a few years, GIMP started literally right now.
What would you like to learn while here: A lot
Why do you want to join: For GFX stuff
What program do you use: GIMP 1.6
Some examples: Look at my sig, GraphicWaves Banner http://i1107.photobucket.com/albums/h394/pokemaister899/shiny.png
.:Electric Pokemon Master:.
[Call me EPM]
How long have you been making graphics: Over 5 months now
What would you like to learn while here: Renders, Tools
Why do you want to join: To improve my artwork much.
What program do you use: GIMP 2.6
Some examples: [x] [x] [x] [x]