(1) 2010-11 Modified Format: Majestic Dawn and On! [6/4]

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Daren said:
Why does everyone think that Unown G is the only thing to stop Champ? All people have to do is bump up their Toxicroak G lines (or just add them) and they're set.

A belted champ can still one hit toxicroak G, and toxi wouldn't be able to one hit it.
Bad news. Its hard for me to find D&P stuff and i hoped it would be everything rotated...
I cant understand the rotation. LEGEND sets are done for a slower gameplay, but they still let in pixies...one more year to see the game slowing.
Yeah, now to stop SP there is only one card, Machamp. But it has Toxicroak counterpart and its only one card against an entire deck...Really annoying to still see Luxchomp around, im tired of seeing that deck which is too easy to use...When are they putting Luxray out of my sight?! :roar:
Decmaster said:
I just realized how much SP's will be affected with the rotation when I checked my SP deck and only four cards are being rotated, which I am filling in with two Hunter's and two Energy Exchange Unit's. SP's are going to be overpowered. But has anyone noticed that Uxie Lv.X + Lucario GL equals 120 damage to a Machamp, or 140 with an Expert Belt? Uxie Lv.X is a great Drawpower/Machamp tech.

Then they just bring in another Machamp and OHKO you lololololol.

dmaster out.
jordanbakersays said:
not to mention uxie X (which will definitely be seing more play) can one hit toxicroak.

I hadn't thought of that. The psychic weakness goes both ways... Also, toxicroak requires a stadium. Which means luxchomp as we know it will slow down to accommodate enough stadiums, toxicroak, and skuntank to use as a counter. And if you're plying flychamp, you can just sand wall those stadiums. Or just play your own i suppose.
Figures this would happen after I sold my Leafeon lv X as a stupid low price lol oh well. Glad to see this set staying as I love me some Call Energies xD
I may not play competitively, but Staraptor FB LvX strikes me as a decent support option. Unlike Uxie, Supporter draw can't be negated, and Pokémon Communicator eases reliance on Bebe's Search for searching out Pokémon even if it is affected by Keystone Seal. And between Crobat G, Staraptor FB, and possibly Luxray GL, Cyrus' Conspiracy is extremely playable in 4s.

Not to mention you can easily tech supporters in with Fast Call, pulling a Judge, Cynthia's Feelings, or Palmer's Contribution when you need it with only 1 of each in the deck. And Staraptor FB Lv.X already has free retreat, so leveling it up isn't a huge problem.

About the only real weakness is...well, Staraptor's weakness. Getting OHKOed by Luxray hurts more than a little. On the other hand, it can OHKO Garchomp C Lv.X with Defog either belted or kicking the Stadium and isn't OHKOed in return by Dragon Rush without a belt. Probably won't come up often, but worth pointing out.

EDIT: Point behind this was to say rather than "No Cladol means SP will dominate, time to quit," that there's a viable engine for setup decks. Not as convenient as Cladol, but viable.
You can probably stick in bubble coats for Staraptor but he's probably the next best thing to Claydol in terms of universal versatility.
Good cards that we lose:

Mr Mime,
Speed Stadium,
Unown G,
Roseanne's Research,
Night Maintenance,
Team Galactic's Wager,
Time-Space Distortion,
Ampharos SW,
Professor Rowan,
Team Galactic's Mars (Though the Team Rocket card will easily replace this),
Pachirisu GE,
Sceptile GE (a hit to some still playing the double-grass body),
Felicity's Drawing,
Moonlight Stadium,
Amulet Coin,
Gardy X,
Darkrai X,
Palkia X GE,
and any other pokemon that I might have missed cause I don't use them.

What I'm really ticked about is Unown G gone, but leaving us with Machamp running around. What's there left to protect us from Take Out other than to evolve?
This is good. Still taking Claydol to Nats. I really wish they would have cut higher though. This is lame. Oh well. Someday the SP will be gone, and then I can rest easy.
Ding-dong, SPs are dead
Sing it high, sing it low
Everywhere you go SP is dead!

I was actually going to quit the Pokemon TCG next format, but with this new rotation, I'm actually gonna keep playing for another year. In my opinion this is a genius cut and absolutely kills SPs.
PokeChamp said:
Ding-dong, SPs are dead
Sing it high, sing it low
Everywhere you go SP is dead!

I was actually going to quit the Pokemon TCG next format, but with this new rotation, I'm actually gonna keep playing for another year. In my opinion this is a genius cut and absolutely kills SPs.

amisheskimoninja said:
I'm sure he's talking about machamp.

Precisely. Machamp is gonna own SPs with their primary counter down the drain. You can still tech Toxicroak G and Skuntank, but most Machamp should be able to get around those anyway. In any case, if Sp wants to stand a chance, it's going to have to tech Stadiums and two-three additional Pokemon... which actually lowers its consistency a little bit.

SPs aren't necessarily dead, but now they can be beaten a lot easier if they retain their popularity from this season.
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