(1) 'Arceus and the Jewel of Life' To Air This Year [9/23]

I thought it would be Nov./Dec. and I was right. All the clues point to an earlier release, which is really nice.

dmaster out.
I guess PUSA is rushing to HGSS. Too bad I don't have CN anymore on my TV, if the movie will be on CN.
Cool. I knew it was coming out this year!
I'm really looking forward to seeing it. So does this mean we should get an Arceus distribution soon? :O
It's unusual that Pokemon.com should make a subtle announcement through their mailbag rather than through the main page. Is this their way of checking to see whether we are paying attention?
That's odd that they'd announce it as 2009, when the "TV & Movies" section of the site lists it as 2010. :/

Anyways, this 2009 release is better by far. Can't wait to see it in English.
sweet, i'm going to love this movie, the johto starters aree in this one right?
No, not necessarily. If they rush this movie, we will lose quality. And to think about it, an HG/SS announcement wasn't technically needed, cause the japanese players already knew, and the others, well, I am pretty sure you are not good enough to get into worlds without looking somewhere like online, or going to league, and it is almost guaranteed that someone at the league knows something from a fan site, so they MUST know about HG/SS, and could thus inform the people at league, so really they could have skipped the announcement, and gone on, allowing for a longer time to dub the movie, to then raise quality standards, cause, as is, the dub quality is already awful. BUT

I would enjoy seeing this movie around christmas time, so I can bask in the glory of christmas stuff AND new pokemon stuff.
Seth1789110 said:
No, not necessarily. If they rush this movie, we will lose quality.
As you touched into later in your post - THERE'S NO QUALITY IN THE DUBS ANYWAYS (except for a few awesome lines sometimes, but they're usually not in the movies). : D
I think it's better if they rush it so we can get our Event Arceus sooner. >:3

And are you saying they SHOULDN'T have shown an English trailer for the most awesome games of the century? (Or are you saying they shouldn't release the games so ..."early"?) I don't really understand your logic (besides, I'm quite sure some Junior players (and possibly some from the older classes as well) didn't know about HG/SS).