(1) Details on the Two Victini Movies Revealed! [2/14]

Wow, the idea of two different movies is very interesting, I doubt they will very much, but I hope they do, can't wait to see them!
What's the go with the hyper literal title translations? Dark and Light are correct, Black and White are not (I'd go into the finer details, but it's long.)

Anyway, I'm excited for these movies :)
I'm pretty sure the kanji does mean "black" and "white", it just sounds funny to westerners because to them those words represent only colours but in Asian cultures, there's deeper significance depending on context (kind of how like you Americans say "I'm feeling blue" to mean "I'm feeling sad")
Well it's more that Kuro, straight out, is the literal shade of black. It's the description of black. Kuroki (which is what is in the title) is to be feeling (a state of) "black(ness)" and isn't a description of the colour at all, which is why it is better translated to dark in english. Translated as just black is painfully blunt and drops the meaning altogether. Same goes for Shiro/Shiroki for the second title.

Considering these were the original translations we were using here on PokeBeach, I'm just a little perplexed at the very blunt and loose translation being used now.
So it's confirmed, nice, It'll be interesting to see how they do it, and if the that human are two different ones, or the same person in both movies.

And the official blog says there 'might' be another big announcement at the start of March. Also the victini in the movie knows blaze judgement.

A clearer poster for the movie.

Looks like a step backward in the in the history of Pocket Monsters, huh?
I mean, in 2007's Movie "Dialga VS. Palkia VS. Darkrai", both Legendaries were introduced at the same time together with a new. But the possibility to choose between two leading plot dragons is also an interesting aspect.

Renoir over.
This is just to good! I absolutely can't wait to see Reshiram in the movie! And Reshiram seeking Truth, and Zekrom seeking Ideal is part of there origin, and how they search for Heros pursuing this. I'm sure Reshiram and Zekrom will recognize Ash as a hero in these movies.