(1) 'Famitsu' Mentions The New Pokemon Series [2/2]

I have been trying to tell you guys a fith gen is coming and I have pretty much know for about 4 years now. I wonder which DS they will be on because of the new DS 2. Anyone know if these games will be on that DS or the one we already have?:)
xxashxx said:
I wonder which DS they will be on because of the new DS 2. Anyone know if these games will be on that DS or the one we already have?:)
This'll be on DS, not its successor.

Most of it is way too small to read, when can we hope for clearer scans I wonder...
Well we just have to hope that new scans come out for details about the 5th generation Pokemon, on how they will look like, and also their abilities.
I hope they come up with a Pokemon like the Lucario from this Gen. It's powerful, but not too much, and it's so versatile. Somethin like that would be awesome.
Oh, and I can't wait to see what the next pseudo legendary will be like =D

Hopefully, Pokemon Sunday and CoroCoro will tell us something about the gameplay changes ^^
I'm super excited for the new Pokemon as well. I hope it comes really soon.

dmaster out.
Dances with Ninjas said:
As long as they don't add another stupid, furry-bait, Digimon-looking piece of garbage like Blaziken or Lucario, Nintendo has my $35.

Or worse, making it the generation mascot.
But otherwise, Concurred.

Hopefully things will be taken slowly; savor the news articles, and possible new Pokémon revelations.
New Dragon Pokemon would be great as there are only six nonuber Dragon Pokemon that are fully evolved. New formes are always exciting too.
The Great Guardian said:
You're joking right? Hasn't it been virtually confirmed that the new game (s) are the fifth gen and that Z is from the fifth gen? {W}

Who says a Celebi forme couldn't have a role in Generation V games? Also, when it comes to this franchise, nothing is ever virtually confirmed. It's confirmed or it isn't. We've been thrown for a loop in the past more times than we can count.
i think it doesn't make sense if there is a new forme.... Think about it... If theres a new forme, where are they going to show it? I mean, in wich game should we have "the new forme"... if it is a new forme nintendo should give us a CRYSTAL version and we all know thats not going to happen.. I think that for now nintendo are not going to give us any new formes at the moment.... Besides, a new rpg is coming, its perfect if they introduce a 5th gen in "z"... That makes sense for me... And they said the game is coming by the end of 2010... That means september 13 like they've always done.... But.... Thats just my opinion..... The best thing we can do is wait.... This saturday we will know....
kstrupo said:
i think it doesn't make sense if there is a new forme.... Think about it... If theres a new forme, where are they going to show it?

Since Generation V seems to be next on the horizon, I'd say that's where. Until then they'll probably show up in spin-offs. It's a pretty safe bet that whatever Pokemon or forme is revealed will make it's way into Tracks of Light.
Well i don't think they'll show it in tracks of lights, since they always show the new pokemon in a movie or in the series! It's too soon to the new pokemon make an appear in the tracks of lights game... This saturday we'll see what happens
I hope they makes a pikachu evolution 4 the 5th gen game,& I hope it'll be a electric/dragon type. They hadn't made 1 in since awhile,& I'm a sick & tired of pikachu lately. I want 2 see Ash's pikachu evolves into something's way cooler & nicer than raichu,& it looks like pikachu almost,but it's bit little bigger & it has 4 spikes stick out on its back that looks like wings. That'll be cool!!!

Pikachu need a new evolution really bad.