(1) First 14 'Plasma Freeze' Card Images [3/13]

Well, not like it was unexpected, but it's good to know that the main EX's are in the set. The attack names are a little odd, but I suppose Raiden Knuckle and Helix Force could be worse.
They kept Raiden Knuckle and didn't even keep Rasen Force's translation?? lolololololololololol

I can already see all the agonizing moments I will have in the future pulling Ghetsis as my rare >__>

oh phhhhht i just saw the exeggcute day thing and now i'm laughing so hard help
I can't believe Ghetsis NFA is a rare, anyways I can't believe that were getting Plasma Badge!!!!
I'm not sure what's so great about Exeggcute that they made a shiny for Megalo Cannon. What tech can it be used for?
The deck idea is Weavile/Exeggcute to do 120+ every turn, but who knows if it's actually good or not.
No. There aren't really any good fire attackers, there are better forms of acceleration, and Keldeo eats it alive. Stage 2 swarm nowadays is very hard to pull off anyway, especially with decks like PlasmaBox making the format even faster.
Blah said:
The deck idea is Weavile/Exeggcute to do 120+ every turn, but who knows if it's actually good or not.

Ohhh I see, I wonder if it will include shiny Exeggcute in this set then. Sounds like a fun idea cause it doesn't just have to be Exeggcute! Although Exeggcute runs like infinite ammo. I wouldn't use it cause it has such low HP and I'm afraid to get N'd or something and lose everything. Still cool deck idea.
N wouldn't affect you because the Exeggcutes are sitting in the discard, not your hand. After getting N'd, you can just snag them out of your discard and continue attacking. The low HP attackers and somewhat low damage output is what holds the deck back.
MrSquarepants said:
I'm not sure what's so great about Exeggcute that they made a shiny for Megalo Cannon. What tech can it be used for?

You can use it for:

~Ultra Ball
~Computer Search
~Diving Draw
~Dowsing Machine

...basically, any card that discard cards from your hand can use Exeggcute for cost. And due to how game state works, if you return Exeggcute to your hand, you can use it again in the same turn.

And again.
And again.
And again.

Just run 1 and you're good for life. If you are trying to run Weavile/Exeggcute, clearly you are doing it wrong.

I like how they pick all the rares out of the set...and Exeggcute. It's like they listened to me. :D

I just love how these images are so crystal clear. I know the actual cards won't look quite like this, but...I want to touch them.
Rock Guard is an Ace Spec that shouldn't be taken lightly. At first, it does take away from some of the other solid Ace Specs; example: Computer Search, Sramble Switch, Gold Potion. But when combined with Skylia for Searchable tool, Darkrai's Night Spear along with Hypno Laser and Virbank, it makes for an excellent choice to K.O 180 HP big basics. Plus Sableye's Junk Hunt can easily bring it back.
NoDice said:
Bobmcdoogal said:
I can't believe Ghetsis NFA is a rare


So? Computer Search from base was a rare, and so was Item Finder. No one complained about it. Plus what difference does it make, I'd rather pull Ghetsis as my rare than some other rare that does nothing.

Love that they've confirmed the goods this time and not the trash.
Yeah, Ghetsis as rare fits pretty well. Does anyone remember Lass from base? It's like Lass, but a lot better. And Lass was rare as well.
Raiden Knuckle and Helix Force sound kinda weird though.