(1) Nintendo 3DS Announced! [3/23]

So, basically, It's gonna be a new thing, where it's 3D? I want to see what they do to pokemon in this way.. hmm...

Well, I had my money on Nintendo's next system being the "DScent" (Dee-essent). Featuring smells to further the gameplay. Just think, Wario.. farting on the DScent, and you actually smelling it!

I think 3D is a better step. Maybe not? Who knows?
I really do hope that the 5th generation games do not debut with this new system. :| I am not going to buy another system anytime soon, so hopefully it comes out to the DS, and not this.
... I'm speechless. If this turns out to work, and well, this could be an amazing handheld system.
Everytime I think about upgrading from my old DS Phat, Nintendo announces something new. Might as well wait even longer (but I will probably pick up a DS Lite eventually). The DS Lite will be the last of anything able to play GBA games it looks like.
RisuX said:
I really do hope that the 5th generation games do not debut with this new system. :| I am not going to buy another system anytime soon, so hopefully it comes out to the DS, and not this.

Don't worry, 5th gen has already been confirmed to be for the regular DS, so you'll be able to play it on the DS, the DSi, *and* the 3DS. You'll have a few years to get a 3DS for gen 6, don't worry.
I do not want 3D, I hate wearing those glasses in movies, who would I want them to play video games, congratulations Nintendo, you lost someone's interest.
Guy89 said:
I do not want 3D, I hate wearing those glasses in movies, who would I want them to play video games, congratulations Nintendo, you lost someone's interest.

What part of "without the need to wear 3D glasses" is so difficult to understand?
Cipher said:
What part of "without the need to wear 3D glasses" is so difficult to understand?

The "without" part apparently. In my opinion this will be the coolest thing yet.

*prepares to find out how big an understatement that is*
RisuX said:
I really do hope that the 5th generation games do not debut with this new system. :| I am not going to buy another system anytime soon, so hopefully it comes out to the DS, and not this.

There's a couple of reasons why not. First of all, it was already announced for the DS. Second of all, usually with Pokemon games, they wait for the system to be out a couple of years or so to release Pokemon games on it, example is the GBA (2001) and RSE (2003 in USA). But I hope they make the third game for the 3DS!
Sounds like another of those typical Nintendo "we are so innovative" things...

I mean IF it works it would be fantastic but Nintendo seems to like overusing features that dont even work that great...
I mean using a browser with a remote? Flying an aircraft with touchscreen?
Hmmmm. I'm not exited, or dreading it. I just hope that the 3d-ness works well. Since it can work the old DS games, I assume that the same buttons and touch screen will stay. I hope it has a GBA slot, and can browse the web!
Porygon-X said:
Hmmmm. I'm not exited, or dreading it. I just hope that the 3d-ness works well. Since it can work the old DS games, I assume that the same buttons and touch screen will stay. I hope it has a GBA slot, and can browse the web!

If it had a GBA slot, the press statement would have said it was compatible with GBA, DS and DSi games. It doesn't.

Plus the DSi can already browse the web, so Nintendo would be stupid to actually remove a good feature from one of their newest handhelds.
I don't know guys.... I have a feeling this will be out in Japan before the end of their fiscal year but probably not showing up in America or elsewhere (unless imported) before Holiday season 2011 AT THE EARLIEST.

As intriguing as this news is, I think we've got a long wait ahead of us. Of course, they may also have been working on this for a long while and have the translations ready to go (how hard is it really to translate a menu system????).

E3 will be telling in June but, with it confirmed to play all current DS games, I'm still leaning toward picking up a DSi XL to tide me over until the new system that could still be anywhere from 14 - 22 months away from landing officially in the States.
I know 5th gen was confirmed to be on the original DS, but I really hope they don't change their mind for some strange reason! (I really want to import one of the games but not a system) lol
jayceanime said:
I know 5th gen was confirmed to be on the original DS, but I really hope they don't change their mind for some strange reason! (I really want to import one of the games but not a system) lol

I second this wholeheartedly.