(1) "Number of Games" Quiz [4/27]

If you count My Pokemon Ranch you might as well count Pokemon Box.

But w/e. Yet again you fooled the populace.

@ Xanthophobiac2814: You could count those, but we were looking more at the main consoles from Nintendo.

@ Gowk: Pokemon Box is counted.
Xanthophobiac2814 said:
What about the Pokemon mini? Or does that not count as a console?
When I saw the list posted I tried to think of what I could smugly point out was missed... and it turns out you beat me to what I was going to say. Technically yeah, it did count as an English console, and it did have separate games.

Also, Pokemon Box was in fact listed. So it does count at the same time as Ranch.

There was some point where I was missing only2-3 games from the list. But since then I've gotten faaar behind.
you made a error that under gameboy you put pokemon md blue
then pokemon md red in ds
when they should be the other way around
XD This was fun. It's cool to know how many games there are.

Before my house fire in October, I had 30. o__o Now I have 17, since some were saved. Lol. Oh well. ^^ I got 3 new ones since then (BR, Ranch, and Platinum), so it's all good. =D

I like the new one, it's funny. Lol.
Currently, I'm only missing Hey You Pikachu, Pokemon Box and possibly a Pokemon Mini game or two, but I'm fairly certain I managed to get them all.

And I suppose since the Mini was not counted, that is why the Pikachu V-Pets were also excluded. Although, I do think the Mini having actual cartriges does significantly help it's case.
Gameboy: Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen, Pinball, Pinball Ruby and Sapphire, Mystery Dungeon Blue, Puzzle Challenge, TCG
N64: Snap, Hey You Pikachu, Stadium, Stadium 2, Puzzle League
Gamecube: Pokemon Channel, Pokemon Box, Colosseum, XD
DS: Dash, Mystery Dungeon Red, Trozei, Ranger, Ranger 2, Mystery Dungeon Darkness, Mystery Dungeon Time, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum
Wii: Battle Revolution, My Pokemon Ranch

If I remember correctly, didn't Red come out on the GBA and Blue come out on the DS?

Regardless I got it wrong anyway. :p
Good one. I actually had to think for a minute about my current collection. I actually do have all but 3 of them. Channel, Box and one of the dungeons (either time or darkness..got one but not the other). Sheesh. I didn't realize how much of my game collection had something to do with Pokemon. And I wish they would remake the virtual pikachu. I wore mine out and it never worked right after changing the battery. still have it somewhere put up for memory sake. Never got to mess with the mini.
Of the games listed, I'm missing all the Mystery Dungeons (Save Blue, if I ever get around to playing it I might purchase the others..). Pokemon Box.. and that's it. I'm probably missing one or two Pokemon mini games, but those apparently don't count. :p

I used to pride myself in owning all the Pokemon, Zelda, and Mario games.. but Nintendo has foiled my attempts by releasing far to many at once.
yay, i got 37 correct. i have 24 out of the 37 games, and i've played 32/37 games.

nice new quiz. i actually had to stay home today because i have flu-like symptomes. my throat is the worst.