(1) Onix, PlusPower, and Lucky Egg Errata'd [5/7]

NOOOOOOOO!!!! I as so looking forward to using Onix's pokebody. I'm crushed. :( Oh well, I guess I'll have to try something different.
rockinpikachu said:
The problem with Luck Egg, WPM. Is it's copyright says 2009. Glad i could help


And we all wuv Bangaris. I DON'T CARE IF ONIX SUCKS.
Yep. That cooked all the Steelix prime decks out there. So much for him.

*Goes off to trade all of his steelix prime*
When I read that PlusPower was errata'd, I was afraid for a moment that Shuppet decks would be ruined. I guess the rest of you have gotta deal with it for a while.
Usagi said:
When I read that PlusPower was errata'd, I was afraid for a moment that Shuppet decks would be ruined. I guess the rest of you have gotta deal with it for a while.

Me too. I thought they were going to errata it to be more like Strength Charm. I am so glad that wasn't the case.
I laugh at all the people who didn't know that onix was mistranslated and will make a deck around it, only to be told that it doesn't work.
EvilHamster said:
Will this officially count for the prereleases tomorrow?
I would assume that it counts for prerealeases tomorrow. Since it was announce an hour before the one I went to today, I suppose it should've counted there, too. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
Wow. A lot of news. I can't wait to trade for the Pokewalker events as I am getting these events very soon. I am also getting other Pokewalker events as well too. Check my player thread for the ones I do have though.:)
does this mean pokemon usa will re-release a fixed version of onix and plus power?
Wow, Lucky Egg only took then half a year to errata, its not like there weren't any pokemon around that could put pokemon in the lost zone already -.-
moonpix said:
That sucks, the onix was awesome..
Will they be printing with the right translation now?

I'd give it a few months (if at all), they may correct it in the next print run.

rockinpikachu said:
The problem with Luck Egg, WPM. Is it's copyright says 2009. Glad i could help

That would be because the card was prinited last year in, you know, 2009?
I was at the prerelease earlier on, and no-one there seemed to know about the new Errata, so as you can guess, anyone who got an Onix were quick enough to deck them (Hey, I had three in my deck XD). Looks like I'm gonna have to make some mods to the Unleashed deck ^^;