(1) Pokemon Prime Feraligatr, Meganium, and Typhlosion Promos (#7, 8, 9) [2/18]

I got my Typhlosion tin last Thursday, and it had 2 HGSS Boosters, 1 Platinum booster and 1 Legends Awakened booster.

Here's a vid to prove it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTIGWi91rLs

It's wierd because I was one of the first to post a video of them on Youtube and no-one cared. I usually get many views for my Yugioh Tin openings, as I always get them early too, but meh.
I didn't got he legend awakend booster. In my Feraligatr tin were 2HGSS, 1 Platinum and 1 Secret Wonders
Have to say it wasn't bad, since I got 2 primes (HGSS) and Honckrow Lv. X :p