(1) Supposed English Names of 'CoroCoro' Pokemon [5/13]

Gogoat: Meh. Kind of confirms it's a gimmicky Pokémon, poor thing.

Panchum: A little odd for English? But not terrible.

Fletchling: Absolutely love it.

Helioptile: I like it, but it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.
1) I didn't see any reason to change Gogoat's name it sounds fine as it was, so that's cool.

2) The name Panchum is okay, Panda + "Punch 'em", since it's a Fighting type.

3) Fletchling is a little weird because I don't know what "fletching" is...

4) Helioptile; If it's attracted to sunlight; shouldn't it be Fire/Normal and not Electric/Normal?
Huh. If these names are true, will you post the rest of the rumors that the guy sent?
I guessed Gogoat would be name Gogoat.
Why would TPCi (or the ones in charged of the international name is) name a Pokemon "punch em".
I would say that the lizard Heliopetile (or Elekiteru) has an ability boosted by Sun Light, its very probable as it all indicates to Sunlight.

Trees are always there.
DorianBlack said:
Helioptile: I like it, but it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.
One thing I forgot to mention is that the source wrote out the names from memory, and he said the spelling for that one might be slightly off. Either way, I think it would be pronounced "Hee-lee-o-tile" or "Hee-lee-ope-tile."
Seem legit enough. We'll see.

The starter types are what currently assure me the guy is fake, cause I just don't see gamefreak doing the Psy/Fight/Dark thing, its so forced and fan-overhyped.

wait, didn't it say Water would be the one getting Fighting yesterday? Chespin gaining Fight and Froakie Dark sounds much more plausible...Id still want either of them getting Poison tho..that type needs some love.
A fletching is the back part of an arrow with the feathers, and it can also refer to the act of putting the feathers on the arrow. That also sheds some light on the Japanese name: the Japanese word for "arrow" is ya.

It raises some intriguing questions about its evolutions. Could it mean it'll become more of an aerodynamic speedy type?
The bird, Yayakoma -> Fletchling. Fletching + hatchling?
Not fletching, but fledgling (or fledgeling), my friend.
Though, Dorian also poses a good point. Yet fledgeling also relates.
Helioptile should be from Helios (from Sun in Greek) and Reptile so He-lee-up-TILE (or something similar).

But Troh and Sawk aren't punching everyone directly (on the face).
DNA said:
The bird, Yayakoma -> Fletchling. Fletching + hatchling?
Not fletching, but fledgling (or fledgeling), my friend.
Though, Dorian also poses a good point. Yet fledgeling also relates.

That's my favorite part of the best Pokémon names. Some of them have so many layers!
DorianBlack said:
DNA said:
Not fletching, but fledgling (or fledgeling), my friend.
Though, Dorian also poses a good point. Yet fledgeling also relates.

That's my favorite part of the best Pokémon names. Some of them have so many layers!

Yes! I'm not the only one who feels this way!
When did you receive this information about the English names, WPM? Maybe I read it wrong, but you said you received the info quite a while ago, so wouldn't the fact that he gave you names that relate to these Pokemon at all point out that your source is telling the truth...?
Mitja said:
wait, didn't it say Water would be the one getting Fighting yesterday? Chespin gaining Fight and Froakie Dark sounds much more plausible...Id still want either of them getting Poison tho..that type needs some love.

Has been that way from the beginning; instead of a (although distorted) triangle in both directions, they went for an overkill double triangle in one direction.
D.N.A said:
When did you receive this information about the English names, WPM? Maybe I read it wrong, but you said you received the info quite a while ago, so wouldn't the fact that he gave you names that relate to these Pokemon at all point out that your source is telling the truth...?

Just cause it's attracted to sun doesn't mean it should be Fire type, lol. That's like saying grass types like Venusaur or Sunflora should be Fire types since they are attracted to the sun. Anyway it makes sense as far as sun is converted to energy and being from Arizona I know all about creatures that use sunlight or hate it.
D.N.A said:
When did you receive this information about the English names, WPM? Maybe I read it wrong, but you said you received the info quite a while ago, so wouldn't the fact that he gave you names that relate to these Pokemon at all point out that your source is telling the truth...?

He started to give me information in February. He has sent me other information since then. He gave me these names after CoroCoro leaked (and some other Pokemon that haven't been revealed yet).