(1) 'Thundurus vs. Tornadus Gift Set' Revealed [10/12]

First? Artwork looks awesome (yay FA Landorus) and now we have yet ANOTHER version of Reshiram and Zekrom. I think that's like 6 or 7
Wonder what's in the decks.

Edit: FAs, Normal, Tin, Box, 15th Anniversary, and This. Yep. 6
OMG!! Why do we keep getting the same Reshiram and Zekrom? At least give them to us with new attacks, this will make the 6th Version of each if you count the 15th anniversary one's. But on a side note that Full Art Landorus looks awesome. They should include it in our noble victories set (wishful thinking, I know).
I wouldn't bother counting the 15th anniversary ones. Anyway I always have room for more epic artwork of Reshi and Zekrom.Anyway cool artwork all around (except maybe Victini)
The question now is, how will they give us Reshiram and Zekrom in America? We already got them in a set, a tin, and a collector's box. Maybe they will sink to the level of theme deck lol
Furn said:
Because they sell.

Since everyone seems to comment on the blatantly obvious affair that Nintendo is having with those two dragons, I'd like to point out the following:

The Victini and Kami artworks I see there are awesome.
I would also like to point out that all of these originated in Japan, and the reprints of the cards may be because they're popular in Japan, and plus reprinting popular cards (especially since they're mascots) isn't so bad IMO.
The Reshiram and Zekrom are usable though. At least they're not reprinting the same cruddy Dialga and Palkia anymore. And those took up rare slots in our english sets (Diamond and Pearl, Great Encounters, and there was a promo of each)
Although I'd love to use that Dialga in this format. Flash Cannon FTW :D
Awesome artwork! For the Darkrai movie in English, The movie TCG set Great Encounters had Dialga and Palkia, so the Zekrom and Reshiram reprints are likely to be in Noble Victories, because they are the only Zekrom and Reshiram that have not been confirmed for Enlish release. I thought they would be in the set, but without any other cards that haven't been released I wasn't sure what they'd do. Know I know. And those cards are awesome!! Or maybe we'll get them at the Victni movies? Or mayebe the Victini card because there are too many to be in the set? Tornadus and Thunderus will be in the credits, so mayebe those cards will be in the set. I also like the added attacks in the artwork. They make the same old boring backgrounds that were in BW cooler. Thunderus and Tornadus look cool because of these cards!
I wonder if they are going to give out Promo cards at the movies again like they did in the first movies. (because this generation is basically a revamp of generation 1 , but to the new kids)(if that made sense). So they might do that or a wifi download or something cool. Maybe even give the Zekrom and Reshiram , from this set, as promos at the movie in theaters.
I love the artwork and the holofoil (Hate the regular BW foil), but more Zekrom and Reshiram reprints are kinda bugging me. I know that they're reprints of good cards, but enough is enough.
Really hope this FA card makes it into our Noble Victories set, especially given how out of place it would be in the PD/HB english set
Furn said:
Because they sell.

And your point is...? There are a lot of cards that would sell if they reprinted them, for example reprint Pokemon Collector and I promise you whatever set you put it in will make that set sell more bc of Collector being in there. My argument is the fact that I want different Reshirams and Zekroms with different attacks instead of the same repetitive one's we already have.
All the artwork looks very nice :) Even the flip coin is cool too! But isn't this like 5th card art now for Reshiram and Zekrom? Guess it's easy to get these cards if you need them. :\
But I looked at the price... It's like 39 US dollars. There better be some good cards in that 30 card deck xD
Wow...uh...the art on these..is amazing.

I would buy it just for the Reshiram and Zekrom.
