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I can't speak for much, but as long as it's not going to cost you a ton in gas, it is worth going to a league to check it out. Kind of. It depends on the general attitude of the league. If it's snuffy to the point where they frown upon people for being ok at the game, it's not good. But most leagues are nice, happy places full of encouragement. Also, being 21 isn't old. Sure, that may be older than a good percentage of people at a league, but a generally nice person of that age is looked up to.
I'd get some random packs first (maybe about 10 from each set beside CoL, or something like that), and then work on filling up the holes in the staples you have. After that, it should be fairly easy to get into the game - just choose a deck and either trade for/buy the cards you need for it.
Well first off going to league is alot of fun, though it depends on how nice your commmunity is, (don't worry about that, pokemon has a very player-friendly community) also as for a good deck to start with, I would pick ReshiSphlosion, (Reshiram and Tysphlosion Prime) if your lucky, the deck only costs about $30-$40 to build due to most of the cards being tin promos or reprints of some sort.
I recommend you to plan a deck first. If you need alot of cards from HGSS, buy a boosterbox from HGSS.
If you deck consists more of other sets, you should buy staples first and then buy/trade other components.
Starting with a boosterbox is pretty good because you can trade away lots of the cards in there.
the aura is with me8 said:
Well first off going to league is alot of fun, though it depends on how nice your commmunity is, (don't worry about that, pokemon has a very player-friendly community) also as for a good deck to start with, I would pick ReshiSphlosion, (Reshiram and Tysphlosion Prime) if your lucky, the deck only costs about $30-$40 to build due to most of the cards being tin promos or reprints of some sort.

VA is awesome for Pokemon.

I'd say buy singles. Packs are a bit of a waste. Before buying singles, pick your deck first. If you do want to buy packs, buy Triumphant, because even if you don't get what you need, you can get Magnezones and Yanmegas, which people will trade highly for.