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Hmmm. I would drop the defenders for eviolites. They're much more useful and are good with druddigon. Also, the japanese scans are unneeeded now that we have the english ones.
I think this is a really solid deck, but i dont really see a relationship with druddigon and lanturn... Unless you are just trying to stall with him... I would take out the 1 cleffa for maybe a collector or a pichu from HGSS
If I were you I would try fitting in just one Eelektross. With that thick of an Eelektrik line, you're bound to be stuck with a Tynamo or Eelektrik active at some point, and that one Eelektross can help you get out of your bad situation by turning a sitting dunk into a solid tank and attacker. Again, this is just a last resort in a bad scenario.
pokemonjoe said:
Hmmm. I would drop the defenders for eviolites. They're much more useful and are good with druddigon. Also, the japanese scans are unneeeded now that we have the english ones.
Looks like a solid (and consistent) list, but do you really need 4 Eelektrik? I would maybe try to drop the line by 1-1 and tech in 1 tornadus (coverage against donphan) and maybe even 1 Eelektross since Eelektrik will probably be catchered at one point or another.

And actually guys I would probably advise him to keep Defender. He's going to be using Rocky Helmet on Druddigon and he won't be able to use Eviolite on his other pokemon since they are Stage 1s. Plus he can also use Defender for his Druddigons while abusing Rocky Helmet at the same time.
I don't think you need rocky helmet on druddigon, eviolite would be better to increase its longevity