1st Place North California Regional Report (April 16th, 2011)

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Aspiring Trainer
1st Place North California Regional Report (April 16th, 2011)

Hey everyone here at ProPokemon, This is my first tournament report and my first Regionals, so wish me luck. The tournament was based at the Elks lodge in Sunnyvale registration started at 8:00AM, so my friends and I got up early, went to Starbucks and then to the Elk's Lodge. It was a short drive for us, my two friends Danny Dao (running Machamp/Magnezone) and Austen Marr (Vilegar) were competing today as well as Dalton Marr (Scizor Prime), Austen's little brother. We reached registration at a good time and had our decks checked without having to wait in line for long. Danny's deck had some discrepancies with the head judge, for he warned there were small marks on the sleeves he was using and that he could get disqualified for them. We both decided to buy new sleeves just in case for this tournament. The tournament was being hosted by Susan Bartlett and she held a small raffle for HeartGold SoulSilver Mats, Black and White video games, hats and binders. The food was cooked by the employees at the Elk's Lodge including Hotdogs, Hamburgers, Pizzas, Grilled Cheese, Refreshments and snacks. There was plently of room for everyone and even tables outside to practice and trade on, but here is what you are waiting for the decklist.

Pokemon: 19
1 Azelf
1 Bronzong G
1 Crobat G
1 Dialga G
1 Dialga G Lv.X
1 Dragonite FB
3 Garchomp C
1 Garchomp C Lv.X
1 Lucario GL
2 Luxray GL
2 Luxray GL Lv.X
2 Uxie
1 Uxie Lv.X
1 Weavile G

Trainers/Supporters: 28
1 Aaron's Collection
2 Bebe's Search
4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
1 Junk Arm
1 Luxury Ball
3 Pokemon Collector
1 Pokemon Communication
1 Premier Ball
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Team Galactic's Invention G-101 Energy Gain
3 Team Galactic's Invention G-103 Power Spray
4 Team Galactic's Invention G-105 Poke Turn
2 Team Galactic's Invention G-109 SP Radar

Energy: 13
1 Darkness Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
2 Lightning Energy
2 Metal Energy
4 Warp Energy

Some notable features of my deck include 4 Warp Energies to avoid having high retreat cost pokemon like Dragonite FB active, warping out a Dialga G Lv.X vs Vilegar, or abusing Dragon Rush with Garchomp C Lv.X. 3-1 Garchomp C line for the mirror match, Junk Arm to reuse trainers or toss useless cards, and Weavile G to act like a call energy and high powered attacker against Gengar and other dark weak pokemon. The rest is standard LuxChomp.

Match 1: (0,0)
Vs. Reed Weichler with Gyarados

I sit down to my first opponent my friend Seth is sitting at the same table as me and I was excited to begin. After a few raffle winners have been called we start the first match. I go first and start Weavile G to his Magikarp. I couldn't donk his magikarp so I used “Call for Family” to get Lucario GL and Luxray GL on my bench. He uses pokemon collector to find two of his magikarps are prized. He attempts to use Azelf to fetch them, but I have a powerspray ready prompty blocking his ability to look through his prizes. He ends his turn with a Gyarados on the bench. I use Cyrus for a lightning energy, Cyrus and SP radar. I use the Luxray GL Lv.X in my hand to bright look his gyarados and then SP radar for Crobat G. Attach energy gain and Lightning Energy to Luxray and flash bite his Gyarados and knock it out with Flash Impact. It was an easy game from there, despite that a few turns later he managed to seeker his Azelf and reuse it to get his Magikarp. He couldn't one hit kill my Luxray GL Lv.X with his pixies getting stuck in the active position and he soon scoops. I was moving onto Match 2 with a (1,0) Record.

Match 2: (1,0)
Vs. Mitchell Silva with Machamp/Vileplume.

We start the second round and luckily I start with Weavile G and go first. His active spirtomb blocks my trainers and the lone oddish on the bench made me think It would be a Vilegar matchup. I “Call for Family” for Dialga G and Luxray. He manages to get a turn 2 Vileplume which I inactivate with Dialga G Lv.X's pokebody. I begin to realize he was playing Machamp when he darkness graced his new machop. I attempted to kill it with Dragon Rush, but found out that my Garchomp C Lv.X was conveniently prized. I prepared for the worst and set up an uxie with energy in preparation to Zen Blade his Machamp SF. He promotes Machamp SF to “Take Out” my active Garchomp C. I attempt to revenge KO it with my Uxie Lv.X but realize that my Lucario GL is prized and Zen Blade for 90. I couldn't keep up with the constant knock outs with Take Out and lost the second round.

Match 3: (1,1)
Vs. Michael Brown with Meganium/Mismagius, Etc.

My third round was against a rouge player who said it was his first tournament. Unluckily for him it was a bad matchup. I completely disrupted his attempt to play energy with Bright Look and Dragon Rush. He couldn't keep up with the constant Knock Outs and failed to top deck a supporter. Not much to say about this match, but it was nice to see a new player and nice to have an easy win.

Match 4: (2,1)
Vs. Zachary Ayella with Magnezone/Yanmega

He opened with spiritomb locking me out of using my trainers. I go second and use pokemon collector, only realize I had forgotten to place my prize cards down. He was a good sport about it, let me shuffle my deck and place 6 new prizes down. He managed to set up a yanmega prime as well as a Magnezone with “Darkness Grace” I managed to grab a few easy prizes with Luxray GL Lv.X but he knocked it out with Magnezone Prime's Lost Burn. I managed to “Bright Look” his registeel on the bench with my second Luxray and stall him for several turns. He couldn't top deck any energy or ways to retreat and I continued to Dragon Rush around registeel for some easy prizes. He managed to get Registeel out of the active position, but his magnezone couldnt do enough damage to knockout my pokemon. I won the game and with that I was moving onto Round 5.

Match 5: (3,1)
Vs. Jason Gonzales with Vilegar (w/Mewtwo Lv.X tech)

He opens with Spiritomb Active with a benched gastly to my Luxray. I go first attach lightning energy and pass. He Darkness Graced for a Haunter. I play pokemon collector for Dialga G, Garchomp C and Weavile G. I still couldn't do anything with the trainer lock and passed. He manages to set up his Vileplume while I continue to play energy and pass. He promotes his Gengar SF and poltergeists for a huge amount of damage knocking out my Luxray. I promote Dialga G, use Bebe's Search for a Diaga G Lv. X cancelling out his Vileplume's Pokebody. I unload my hand's trainers while I have the chance and use warp energy to protect my Dialga G Lv.X. He tries to shadow room my Dialga G Lv.X and I use second strike twice for 120 dmg total, healing with Garchomp C Lv.X. He tries to “Level Down” my Dialga G Lv.X with his Gengar Lv.X, but I quickly used a power spray. I knock out his gengar Lv.X by using warp energy on Dialga, promoting an uxie, galactic switching the warp energy from Dialga G Lv.X to an Uxie, using Psychic Restore protecting myself from a dreaded “Fainting Spell”. He suprises me with a Mewtwo Lv.X, but it wasn't enough with Dialga G Lv.X blocking out his body. I finished the game easily once I knocked out his Mewtwo Lv.X. I was excited to play so well against Vilegar, one of my worst matchups.

Match 6: (4,1)
Vs. Brad Cowan with Vilegar (w/LostGar tech)

He opens with Spiritomb active and oddish on the bench. I grimace when I find out I would be playing another vilegar. I start with Weavile G and Garchomp C. I go first and Call for family for Luxray GL and Dialga G. On the next turn I manage to Bebe's Search for Luxray GL Lv.X “Bright look” his Gloom breaking the trainer lock and using Flash Impact on his Gloom. He couldn't retreat his gloom and I finished it off with Luxray GL. Next, He promoted a Gengar SF and attempted to “Poltergeist” my Luxray GL Lv.X. I had managed to remove most of my trainers while the trainer lock was gone and Gengar did little damage. I benched a Bronzong G to “Galactic Switch” I use Weavile G's “Team Attack” with 5 SP pokemon in play to do 90 Damage to Gengar SF. He used poltergeist against Weavile G, but it had a 20 resistance and I had removed most trainers and supporters from my hand. The next turn I used psychic restore to protect myself from a “Fainting Spell” and knockout his Gengar. He couldn't set up another Gengar and I Dragon rushed his attempts to set up another one. It was a great game and I was ready to move onto round 6 with another victory.

Match 7: (5,1)
Vs.Chris Husted with Vilegar (w/LostGar Tech)

I briefly introduced myself to this poke'dad I told him my friend's brother was playing in the last top cut match for juniors. He shared that his son was also playing in the final match. We set up and I note that I have 5 trainers in my hand to begin with. I roll the dice, but it falls off the table. We have a quick laugh about it then roll again. I get to start first and he begins with Oddish with 40 HP to my Dragonite FB. I can't do much on my first turn and he manages to get spirtomb with pokemon collector to darkness grace his oddish. My dragonite is stuck in the active position, powerless without any trainers or Cyrus. I don't draw into a warp energy before it was too late and his Gengar SF was poltergeisting away. I lost the final match of Swiss with a (6,2) record nervous weather or not I would make top cut.


Match 8: (2,1)
Vs. Joseph Sanchez with Luxchomp (Honchkrow Tech)

I had finally made it top cut. My friend Austen also made it top top cut, his brother won 2nd place in Juniors. I was up against Joseph Sanchez; I commented on his graphite art Munchlax T-Shirt. During the first match I had an awesome start with 3 Double Colorless Energies, Weavile G and Pokemon Collector. I manage to get 3 Garchomp C out and a Dragonite FB and overpower his garchomps with my own. Round 2 and I don't get as lucky. He manages to waste my resources and disrupt my ability to play Garchomp with Dragon Rush. Time was called and it was my 5 prizes to his 2, we decided to play it out, even though I didn't have a chance. We got to have a sneak peek at each others deck before round 3 sudden death. It was round 3 Sudden Death. We both agreed it would come down to a coin flip. I draw 7 and place a single prize. Im happy to notice my Weavile G in my hand and place it active. I go first attach energy to Weavile G, call for family for Bronzong G and Garchomp C. He cant knock out my weavile on the first turn so he retreats his active Garchomp C into Crobat G avoiding an earthquake knock out. I top deck the Garchomp C Lv.X bow my head play cyrus for energy gain and a basic metal. Retreat for free, attach energy to Garchomp C, Galactic Switch, Level up then dragon rush for the game.

Round 9: (2,0)
Vs. Matthew Provchy with LostGar

I quickly introduced myself, I had remembered him from a prerelease at my league, Team Invasions. He beat me in the prerelease and I was looking for revenge. I asked him in advance if he were to play Azelf if he would like to simply look at his prizes and take one instead of writing them on paper. He refused, because he had no intention of writing down his prizes anyways. I was a little surprised at his response unaware of which deck he was playing. During the first game I have complete control power spraying his attempts to set up with uxie and using Weavile G to one shot his Gengar Prime. During the second match I manage to thwart his attempts to set up with Uxie again with powerspray, bright look his palkia G and take control. He manages to get a few pokemon in the lost world but I continue to take prizes and win. He wished me luck and I was on my way to top 4.

Round 10: (2,1)
Vs. Daniel Chin with Luxchomp (Entei Raikou Legend Tech)

I was getting worried getting so close to the end playing such a great player. I had seem him at my league and known how great a player he was. I had seen his ERL tech in advance and knew to watch out for the surprise “Thunder Fall.” In the first match I started great with DCE and Garchomps I blocked his ability to fight with Garchomp with my Dragonite FB and Garchomps, using warp energy to get heavy retreaters like Bronzong G out of the active position after being “Bright looked.” It was a great game, but he scoops to save time and we start the second match. I started with an active Garchomp C, but went first. He took advantage of going second to “Earthquake” my Garchomp C for the knockout. I managed to Zen Blade his Garchomp C with the help of Crobat G to keep up in the prize exchange. He quickly countered with his own Uxie Lv. X to Zen Blade my Uxie Lv.X the next turn. It was all downhill from there unable to set up with his Garchomp active and no double colorless energy. It was the 3rd match and I get the lead in the “Garchomp War” by using warp energies to refresh my Garchomp C Lv.X's Dragon rush and using Bronzong G's “Galactic Switch” to dragon rush constantly. He manages to stall me with two Luxray GL Lv.X, but my warp energies protected my Bronzong G from being stuck in the active position. It was getting close to time and he had two Luxray GL Lv.X in play only. Time was called and it was impossible for me to get a cheap prize with Dragon Rush or Mach blow so I did the unthinkable, Flash bite with Crobat G then Giant Tail with Dragonite FB. My friend laughed from the sidelines as I rolled a two to get the knockout. He plays an electric energy on a benched pokemon and prepares for a secret “Thunder fall” to finish me off. He flash bites my Garchomp C Lv.X 3 times to prepare for the final attack, but I was prepared by using Poketurn on my Garchomp to protect it and using Psychic restore with my uxie to protect her. There weren't enough pokemon to “Thunder Fall” and he scoops. I was excited to be in the final match. (9,2)

Final Match: (2,0)
Vs. VileGar (Blaziken FB Tech, Blissey Tech)

It was the final round and I was excited to make it so far. It was a great match, the two judges were friends of mine and we had a fun match. I was worried knowing I was playing vilegar, but I expected as much after two SP Mirrors in top cut (my only SP mirror matches today). I managed to “Bright Look” his gloom and end the trainer lock by knocking it out with Flash Impact and Bite. He couldn't keep up with my Weavile G Knocking out his Gengar SF after a “Team Attack” and “Psychic Restore” saving me from Fainting Spell again. I win the first round and begin the second. In the last match he talks about having his $1,000 in CASH and we have a good laugh about it. The judges remind him he can still make 1st place. I slow him down with Dialga G Lv.X and block out Vileplume. He has an active Gengar Lv.X and I announce Deafen, but quickly ask If I could change it to “Second Strike” The judge checked if I had the required energy and after some consideration my opponent has a good spirit about it and lets me change the attack to “second strike.” I power spray his attempts to level down my Dialga G Lv.X and after using “second strike” twice I retreat by paying my two energies, then psychic restore to knock it out protecting me from yet another fainting spell. He cant manage to get another Gengar Lv.X and I used bite on his Gastly with 2 Damages earlier from deafen to knock it out. He attempts to stall me by using “luring flame” on my Dialga G, but I use Warp Energy to escape each time he tried to drag it up. I draw the final prize and we shake hands after a great match.

I placed first, the tournament organizer, Susan Bartlett was excited to have me, a Team Invasions player, win Masters. She hands me my new HGSS playmat, a binder, a box of Clash of Legends cards, and an evolope with my $1,500 Scholarship and travel pass to nationals. I reflected on my victory and noted that my victory wasn't just my win, but everyone who helped me.

-Austen Marr for allowing me to borrow important cards like: Luxray GL Lv.X, Warp Energy, and a neat Reverse Holo Lucario GL.
-Austen Marr and Danny Dao for practicing with me daily against my worst matchups Vilegar and Machamp SF.
-Susan Bartlett for being an awesome host and hosting league regularly.
-Team Invasions members who helped me practice at league.
-Weavile G starts
-3 DCE's in a top cut match against SP mirror.
-Starbucks in the morning
- Zachary Ayella's positive “spirit of the game”

-Bad prizes in my Machamp Match.
-Forgetting to place my prizes down.
-So many vilegars!
-Daniel Chin being an epically good player.

Thanks for reading this extensive article. I hope to see you at nationals.


Steven Hernandez
Ray Vin is in the Seniors division. Stevii21 is in the Masters division. They both got 1st place in their respective divisions.
hey man congrats for the win but i will get my vengence on u. Yeah i was the guy who was in top 2 with u srry for acting out i was so tired and i had to work the next morn so as soon as i knew i won moneh i need to go home which is a 2 hour drive so yeah gratz man u better go to nats.
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