Ruling 2 majorly noobish questions :(

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Aspiring Trainer
Ok, these are some pretty lame questions, but unfortunately I don't know the answers to them, hence why I am asking. :p

1. I know you can only use 1 Supporter per turn, but what about trainers? Can you use multiple trainers? Can you use 1 supporter and a few trainers in one turn?


2. I am not completely sure about the whole Pokepowers/Pokebodies thing. I know that Pokebodies are always active and Pokepowers can be used once per turn. What I need to know is, can they be used by benched Pokemon? For example, Empoleon Lvl. X's Pokepower is to without looking take 2 cards from your opponent's hand and put them face down. Can I use this if Empoleon is on the bench? If so and I have multiple Pokemon with Pokepowers on the bench, can I use all of them each turn?

Sorry that these questions are so lame and ignorant. I don't know the answers though, and obviously I would like to.

Thanks :D
qestion 1 u can use as much TRAINERS as you want during your turn not supporters.
question 2 look at the pokepower/body it will usually tell you if you can use it on your bench (empoleon sys on the card can only be used if its active)
1. The only thing you can play one of is Supporters. Unless stated.

2. It would be stated on the card. In general, Powers are usable anywhere, unless stated. Again.
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