2 questions about Japanese DP5


Guess who's back (kinda)? Back again (kinda)
Question 1: What's in Temple of Anger and Cry from the Mysterious? Like, which cards are in each set?

Question 2: How many lv.x's are in 1 Japanese box of DP5?
SkittyOnWailord-from SPPF said:
1) I'm not going to list all of the cards in a 130-something card set.

2) I got 4 boxes and got 3 Lv.X in each of them. My friend got 6 boxes and got 3 Lv.X in each of them. My other friend got 2 boxes and got 3 Lv.X in each of them. It's pretty safe to say that you get an average of 3 Lv.X per box.
If you're lucky, the box might give you 4 lv.X, but if unlucky, 2 of the same lv.X in a box.