Ruling 2 Questions


Innovative Roleplayer
Can Disable, still disable like this?
Disable a Latios Ex's Ice barrier. He retreats it, and has a Latios of the same kind, is disable's effect removed? Can this one use Ice Barrier?

Can Wally's training actually help you get a stage 2 in one turn?
ex: Charmander, Wally's training to Charmeleon, then evolve to Charizard. Or is it possible in a different order?
Question 1: Disable, as with all attack effects, are removed when retreated. So yes, latios ex d could still ice barrier.
Question 2: You can evolve into charmeleon and then wally's into charizard.
solaries10 said:
Can Wally's training actually help you get a stage 2 in one turn?
ex: Charmander, Wally's training to Charmeleon, then evolve to Charizard. Or is it possible in a different order?

To clear this up, after you use wally, you can't evolve into charizard on the same turn since you are allowed to evolve once per pokemon. However, in the other way round, you can evolve into charmeleon first, then use wally to evolve into charizard. Trainers(such as rare candy, wally) have the power to overwrite the standard rule.