BW/BW2 2 Shinies,1 Week!

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Seasoned Trainer
Yup.Title says it all.I'm not one of those people that hack with this was it called?...Ah,yeah...the Pokegen.The first shiny was in Chargestone Cave.It was a shiny Drillbur!It was my first shiny in all of my gens of Pokemon!I caught it in a Ultra Balll in my Pokemon White.

If you have heard of Pokemon Volt White,yup.There's my second.It was Shiny Mankey!
Second shiny.All that in one week!I'm not lying,seriously what should I get if I lie?Nothing,just a bunch of fake congrats...

That's all.It was my best week!Thanks for your time and good luck for your own shiny hunts!:D
Reshiwott said:
Um... Ok...
What can I say? Well done?
inb4 lock (Not minimodding)
Well a well done would be great...Is my first shinies.Even in other Pokemon Games,no shinies.I don't have recorded anything so no proof...but if you want you believe.
Haters gonna hate...
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