24 Pack Box Sets


How much do you think a Great Encounters Box of 24 packs would run for? And what's my chance of getting like Lv. X's out of it?
on pokecorner.com you can pre-order a box for about $85
as for the lv X i heard you get 1-3-(pretty sure, but not certain)
i can not be certain that you wil get 3 lv X though...
in the other dp booster box you get at least one
but in ge there are only 4 lv X so if u got 3 in a booster box...
i dont think nintendo would put 3 lv X in a booster box
I'm really only needing Darkrai Lv. X and Darkrai. I could really use that moonlight trainer and premier ball though. These packs are gonna rock!
i wish they would have put more lv X in though...
itl probablly be another 3-4 mo. before we get another expansion..
Level X average rate is 1 per box (36 packs). I've seen boxes with 2, I've seen boxes with 0 (sadpanda :().

GE might be slightly higher since it's the first set with 4 Level Xs.
I've seen the Palkia tin and Palkia is Lv.X so.Heres what it says: You will either get Palkia, Dialga or a new legendary Pokemon! Obviously Darkrai so my guess is that since Palkia is Lv.X so will Dialga and Darkrai.
But, hey at least its better than 2 Lv. X per set. But, I got both of em'!

Anyway, you will likely get at least 1 Lv. X, and chances are still high for 2. 3 is highly unlikely, but probably possible.