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2nd attempt at a deck Typhlosion/Reshiram/Ursaring

ultimate tc

Aspiring Trainer
After coming 2nd in my first Tournement Im going to my 2nd battle roads this weekend. I have made a few changes to my deck please let me know what you think.

22 Pokemon
4 Reshiram
4-2-4 Typhlosion Prime
2-2 Ninetails
2-2 Ursaring Prime

22 Trainers/Supporters
4 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon Communication
4 Junk Arm
2 Pokemon Catcher
2 Pokemon Collector
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
4 Sage's Training

16 Energy
13 Fire Energy
3 Double Coulerless Energy

Aim is like most Typhlosion/Resheram decks but I added Uraring as another heavy hitter aim with him use typhlosion to attach an energy hench putting 1 damage counter then attach a double courless and it can hit for 90 straight away 120 with another energy. Any suggestions would be appreciated.