Ruling 2Qs: Broken Time Space and Call Energy


Aspiring Trainer
2 questions:

1. About Broken Time Space Stadium. If I have a Pokemon in play and I have its Stage 1 and Stage 2 cards in my hand. I'll evolve it to stage 1 but can I also evolve it to Stage 2 on the same turn? In other words, can two evolutions occur with this stadium card on the same turn?

Also, does the stadium allow a bench pokemon to level-up?

2. Can Call Energy be used if the bench is full? If so, do the 2 Pokemons that were searched go into the player's hand instead of on the bench (since it is full)?
1. Yes, you may evolve twice in the same turn for the same Pokemon if you have the cards in your hand. However, BTS does not allow leveling-up on the bench, nor does it allow a level-up in the same turn you evolve a Pokemon (leveling up is not the same as evolving).

2. You can use Call Energy. You simply search your deck and shuffle it, moving no cards, since you cannot put any Pokemon on your full bench.